Pin It Saturday night I had an interesting conversation with a friend. Her son is close in age to Peanut (2 1/2) and she was sharing how another boy about their age knows all of his letters. She felt like a bad mom because her son only knows his colors and some shapes. But then she said (half serious), "Whether he can count, read, is potty ...
Preparing to Impress {Using More Than One Curriculum at a Time}
source One thing that really stresses out mommas is the thought of doing more than one of the ABCJLM Curriculum at once. And this has happened several times in our home. On Monday, I will begin using the 2 Year Curriculum with Peanut (2 1/2) and the 5 Year Curriculum with Little Man (5). While the curricula are completely ...
Preparing to Impress {Weekly Lesson Plans into Daily Activities}
source During this time of year the anxiety kicks up several levels. The pressure and expectations that we all feel cause panic to run in. And almost every time, a slew of questions pertaining to one particular subject hit the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group. How Do I Break the Weekly Lesson Plans into Daily Activities? If you have ...
Preparing to Impress {How to Use the Objective Checklist}
If you have visited the website or the Week 1 Lesson Plan of the 3, 4, or 5 Year Curricula, you may have noticed that I suggest using the Objective Checklist to begin the curriculum. This may lead to wondering, "How do I use the Objective Checklist?” A few things to remember: First, this checklist ...
Preparing to Impress {Making Tactile Letters and Numbers}
One of the supplemental materials that I suggest making and using with the 3 and 4 Year Curricula are the Tactile Letters and Numbers. The tactile letters and numbers (also called sandpaper or textured) are key to the 3 Year Curriculum. Because many 3-year-olds do not have the fine motor skills for handwriting activities, I emphasize ...
Preparing to Impress {Checklist}
source If you are following the ABCJLM Curriculum to a tee you know that the official start date is next week. Of course you know that you can begin the curriculum at any time but if you desire for the holidays to match with the learning and the review weeks, August 26th is your start day. And this is the date that I will begin ...
Preparing to Impress {A Family Schedule}
source This week we have created a Family Command Center and are working towards a Family Schedule all with the intention of making an impression on our children. We have used the ideas from the previous blog series Scheduling Success to get us started. We have created a schedule for each child consisting of contributions or chores. We have ...
Preparing to Impress {Cleaning Schedule}
source In our "Preparing to Impress: Home Hints" blog post, I shared my appreciation for The ideas and schedules on her website and in books she has written have helped 1000's of women organize and clean their homes. Using her ideas and various ideas that I grew up with, I came up with a weekly housecleaning schedule a ...
Preparing to Impress {Creating Mommy’s Schedule}
source Last year about this time I shared a blog series called "Scheduling Success." In this series, I helped us develop a schedule that reflects the priorities in our lives - Jesus, Others, You. And if you need help balancing activities, family time, husband and wife time, and "me" time, please read through these series. It ...
Preparing to Impress {Creating a Child’s Schedule}
source Yesterday I shared how we use a "Family Command Center" or Visual Schedule to help our children finish the tasks that they need to do. A Visual Schedule helps the child know what is excepted and what activity is coming next. Today I want to help you set up your own schedules and command center. The examples below are our ...