You have asked such great questions! To end our "Potty Training Made Easier" series, I am going to share some specific questions that have been asked on Facebook and on the comments from this blog. #1 - I've been trying and trying with my daughter. She gets all excited when we start with stickers, treats, and reward charts then when ...
Potty Training Made Easier: Poop Please!
Click to read the first of our posts in the Potty Training Made Easier series. I was surprised to find out that the number one Potty Training question centered around the topic of poop! How do you get a child to poop in the potty? We have all heard the child-refuses-to-poop horror stories. Others of you are living the nightmare! To get ...
Potty Training Made Easier: FAPTQ
So far in this series, I have shared five supplies that I feel are necessary for potty training and I have taken you through the three-step process. Today, I will begin answering your questions! Question #1 - How do you know when your child is ready? Figuring out the answer to this question is key. Starting too early can be ...
Potty Training Made Easier: Three Steps to Success
The topic of potty training will bring moms out of the woodwork. Everyone has questions. Everyone has suggestions. Yesterday I shared five inexpensive supplies that I feel are helpful in successful potty training. Today, I will explain the three steps in this process that we have used with our four children. Step ...
Potty Training Made Easier: Supplies without Expense
At this moment I can say that I have 99% successfully potty trained four children - three boys and one girl. Wow! I think that deserves a Sonic Limeade to celebrate! Anyone else every feel like celebrating milestones like these? Potty training is one of those things that many parents dread. It is messy, frustrating, ...
Confessions of a Grieving Girl
Thirteen years. Can it really be that long ago that my life was severed in half? With. Without. While my heart fights to believe the truth, my head reminds me of the facts. Thirteen years ago today my eighteen-year-old sister's life ended. Wow...that is hard to type. Thirteen years ago today, my family and I began a journey of ...
Where Are You Looking?
source Pin It I just finished writing a long note to Bubs' therapist. We are between a rock and a hard spot believing that there is more to Bubs' disability but not sure where to turn for answers. The social and anxiety issues appear to be intensifying. He struggles more and more to find the words he needs to explain his thoughts. We ...
Practical Anger Management Skills
If you are the mom of a child preschool age or older, you probably have a tendency to “blow up” at random times. And if you are like me, you desire to add a few anger management techniques to your toolbox. Below I am going to share ideas that I have learned from Julie Ann Barnhill's book She's Gonna Blow! as well as techniques I use myself to ...
Help for Anger Management #6
A couple of weeks ago I featured a week-long series in which I shared little nuggets of wisdom that I gleaned from Julie Ann Barnhill's book She's Gonna Blow!: Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger. Today I want to share another practical tips to use in your own life. Wisdom Point #6 - So many times I mentally review my job ...
Helping Anger Management #5
This week I have shared several key points from Julie Ann Barnhill's book, She's Gonna Blow!. I pray that you gleaned some tips to add to your toolbox. But what if after reading all of the key points you are still coming up short? What if you have read all of the posts, researched online, talked to girlfriends, and begged God all to ...