Pin It A very popular quote that you will hear Christians say during a times of grief and challenge is "God won't give you more than you can handle." Honestly, I used to believe this. It made me feel safe knowing that I could handle anything God threw my way. I based this thought on promises from Romans 8:28 and I Corinthians ...
The Moon, Stars, and Me
Pin It Jennifer shared this precious reminder with us on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group. I asked her if I could share it with you. At 11pm I set my alarm for 6am and went to bed thinking, "Seven hours? Not bad." At 3am-ish, Lil M came in to complain that his closet door was open. At 3:30, Ian woke up to go potty and we realized Lil M ...
How to Introduce Quiet Time to Your Family
Updated here - ...
Creating A Prayer Journal that Works
This post has been updated - ...
Children Who Interrupt
Pin It Look at the couple above. This picture puts a smile on my face...and a little jealousy in my heart. They look so relaxed and appear to really enjoy each others company. They are having quality conversation and no interruption. Sounds marvelous, doesn't it? In the last few weeks we have talked at great length about the importance ...
Scheduling Success: “Me” Replenishing Time
In our Scheduling Success series, we have discussed the need for God to be first, followed by our husbands. Our children should come next but often get the shaft by the amount of activities and mommy responsibilities that we hold. Returning to my "biblical answer" from the beginning of this series, next would be my friends and work. Because, as ...
Scheduling Success: Family Time
If you have been developing a successful schedule along with me these past two weeks, time management has probably been pretty close to the front of your mind. And I would guess that you realize some changed need to be made. But we aren't done yet. Today and tomorrow we are going to add the final two points to the schedule - family and mommy ...
Does God Really Say My Husband is to Be My Top Priority?
Last week we began creating a schedule to balance our life with God's desires and our family's needs. We discussed priorities and the need for daily time with God and the importance of spending quality time with our husband. An ABCJLM friend left this question on one of the posts last week: Is Genesis 2:24 the only scripture that indicates our ...
But My Children are Young, I Can’t Do What You Are Asking!
What I am about to tell you may ruffle your feathers. But hang with me on this one and see how you feel after reading the entire post. In the last few days, I have asked you to specifically set time daily aside for God and your husband. Those minutes that you guard because the person you are spending the time with is of great ...
Scheduling Success: My Husband is to Be My Priority?
What I am about to tell you is something that I want you to "do what I say, not do what I do." In all honesty, my husband tends to get my leftovers. Between the children, house, and work, I am tired and each night my husband is handed a golden platter containing the few ounces of energy that I have left. Strike that. Each ...