Make Party Hats for a birthday or book activity! Cut out the Party Hat Template. Trace it onto cardstock or poster paper. Cut out. Roll and staple the sides together. Towards the bottom, on opposite sides, poke a small hole and insert two piece of ribbon to tie around the child’s chin (or use elastic). Tie or ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
FAQ Video
In addition to the Welcome Tutorial Video that was added to the website on Monday, I have also created a FAQ video. Taking the most asked questions, I created a video and used the website to answer each of them. If you want to make the video full screen, be sure to increase the quality. Start the video and ...
Question: Helping My Child Out of a Meltdown
I received this question and I wanted to share with everyone as I believe it is a question that a lot of you may have: I was intrigued by your process of having your son jump on a trampoline to calm him down. We are still in the process of figuring out exactly what is going on with my son, but he has total melt downs over very small things and the ...
Tutorial Video for ABCJLM
I am so excited to share this with you! It has been on my to-do list for several months. And it is finally here. A tutorial video of the website. This video will give you a tour of the ABCJLM website. It will help you understand how it works, demonstrate where to find things, and provide you with tips along your ...
Crafts: Months and Holidays
The 5 Year Curriculum contains a unit about holidays in Week 32. This is an activity and craft that I created to introduce the child to a major holiday for each month. Included in the list below are links to more ABCJLM Holiday ideas. Print the Calendar Wheel. Cut around the circle. Cut around the second circle and into the pie shape. Using ...
How Many Talents Have You Been Given?
Friends, there are times when I can't wait to share something that I just learned. It is literally bubbling up in me. This revelation came through a parable, a message, and my quiet time. The Parable of the Talents has always been a convicting parable to me. Jesus explains that we are all given valuable, unique resources to further the ...
Little Things, Big Reminders
I have been a bear. I think my husband and kids would agree that for the last month I haven't been really fun to live with. The truth hurts. The positive... at least I realize it. Right? After a long talk with my husband and another one of my besties, I began to see what was causing all of my anger and ...
An Update on Our Family
It is time for an update. Bubs Bubs is seven with a birthday just around the corner. He just finished 1st Grade and had a great teacher and year. It is crazy how the dynamics change now that he is home all day. This has created an adjustment for all of us. Sensory wise, Bubs continues to have very rough ...
Review: The Princess Twins
When the UPS truck drives down our lane, it is like Christmas around here. These two little books were one of the latest deliveries. You may recognize the Princess Twins title from a review I did a few days ago. Part of the "I Can Read" set, the reader is swept away to the castle of Princesses ...
Time to Talk
Let's introduce ourselves. I am Heidi and I am the faciliator of this blog. According to this means that I am "responsible for leading or coordinating the work of a group, as one who leads a group discussion." But what is the work of our group? First, there is not a mom out there who needs ...