Bubs has trouble with listening as well as distinguishing sounds. Our occupational therapist suggested the computer program "Earobics". She used it with her own daughter and had great success. After looking at it, I was sold immediately. This is a WONDERFUL program. Bubs spends 15 minutes a day using the program. The "clown" game plays different ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
Lacing Activity
One of the activities that Bubs has been working on in therapy is lacing. Our therapist let us borrow the Alphabet Lacing Letters. I went on line to try and find something like it and found that these Lacing ABC Sweets are about the only of their kind. What I like so much about this activity is that Bubs has to lace, which is great for fine motor. ...
Full Moon Indeed
We are up to our armpits in rotten attitude and disrespectful attitude. Bubs is really struggling to stay in control and keeping his words loving. He struggled at therapy today with focus and diligent work. It has been a tough few days to say the least. Bubs continues to be very mean to his siblings at times. In some ways, I believe the ...
Full Moon A-Comin’
We are having some tough times around our household right now. Bubs continues to really be struggling with attitude, emotions, focus, and choices. Daddy said that it makes us appreciate when Bubs is doing well. I have noticed that there are several behaviors that pop up at times when Bubs is struggling:- yelling- lots of crying- wants to constantly ...
Waking Up
Bubs has been waking up between 9:00 and 11:00 p.m. almost every night for about two weeks now. He used to do this pretty consistently from the age of 18 months until about three and a half. Now it is back. I am sure that it goes along with the harder days that we are having right now as well.The hardest part is that he is inconsolable during these ...
A Child’s 10 Commandments to Parents
source At church this weekend Bubs learned about the 10 Commandments. His teachers sent home a sheet that listed "A Child's 10 Commandments to Parents" by Dr. Kevin Leman and I wanted to share it with you. 1. My hands are small; please don't expect perfection whenever I make a bed, draw a picture or throw a ball. My legs are ...
Here We Go Again
We knew that our "great" days weren't going to last forever. The signs showed that it would be over soon. Bubs has been waking up in the middle of the night just bawling. I truly believe he doesn't know why he is doing this but just can't stop. Bubs has been all over his little brother - just smothering him with kisses and hugs. Thirdly, Bubs has ...
Using a Trampoline to Calm Down
One of the first things that the Occupational Therapist told us to get when Bubs began therapy was a trampoline. Our pediatrician echoed this purchase as well. The jumping on a trampoline engages the brain in some miraculous way. The suggestion was for a mini trampoline for cold weather use. But we were also gifted a 12' trampoline for ...
Missed Signs?
Now that I look back on Bub's little life, I see more and more things that just weren't like our other children. I realize now that they were sensory in nature. But he is our first and I didn't know!Bubs did NOT eat baby food. We tried several times but he would not eat baby cereal or smashed up real food. He went straight to the small bits of ...
Good Day
I feel embarrassed to write this for all of you who have had a bad day today. I even debated about blogging. But then I decided that I needed to tell the world how God is answering our prayers!!! Not be embarrassed because of a few good days!Bubs has had a great few days. On Saturday he struggled to stay in control but we had company and it was ...