My mother in law introduced us to the book Christmas Cookies: Bite-Size Holiday Lessons by Amy Rosenthal. I fell in love with it immediately. I loved how the author took big "life" words and compared them to making cookies in a way that a child could easily understand. “FRUSTRATED means, I can’t believe we burned them again / PERSEVERANCE means, We ...
Now I Know My 1, 2, 3’s
My Mom found the book Now I Know My 1,2,3's at a garage sale. We have really enjoyed it for the writing and activities to help us learn numbers as well as colors and shapes. Each number contains a poem, a dry erase line to practice writing the number, and then a magnetic board that gives tactile practice for each number. The book comes with a ...
Review: The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks
Another of the books from the Living Lights Series by the Berenstain Bears, Give Thanks keeps with the traditional Bear family. The family learns about the tradition of Thanksgiving and about being thankful for the blessings that they have received. One of the things that I like about this book is that the family writes a play about the first ...
Pop-Up Nativity & Talking Jesus Giveaway!
Valerie at Little Blots has a giveaway that I wanted you to know about!Pop-Up Nativity and Talking JesusClick on over to give yourself a chance to win. If you are not familiar with Little Blots, make sure your cruise around for a while because there is a wealth of information and activities available. Several ideas are linked throughout the ...
Christian Media Reviews
Bubs really likes the movie Cars. For Christmas Bubs really wants the Mario Cart Wii game(a cars game). A friend told me about a Car Wii game which is quite a bit less expensive than Mario Cart. I knew nothing about it but I knew where to go to find out. Plugged In Online is a free source to find out "detailed information about what's really in ...
Sweet Peas' favorite word - sometimes - is NO! When asked to do something or go somewhere or any other request can result in a firm "no!" if the mood fits. This is very common for the toddler age but common or not - it gets really ignoring! Here is one thing that we have done with some success. Say "no" back. This goes back to Kevin Leman's book ...
Color By Number
I saw this great idea at the blog "Learning 4 Fun!" and had to pass it along...Turn any coloring page into a color-by-number by just writing numbers onto the picture and adding a color code. You can see an example of a cow that this creative Mom did here. So simple yet so fun!This is a new blog but it has several other great ideas to check out! ...
Suggested Book for a Devotional
A mom suggested the book Blessings Every Day: 365 Simple Devotions for the Very Young (Little Blessings) as a devotional after reading my review on the Little Blessings books. Thanks LaToya!What book do you use as a devotional with your kiddos? ...
Numbers Changes
Under the suggestions from many of you, I am in the process of changing the 3 Year Curriculum basic math. Instead of focusing on so many numbers in the first 3 weeks, I am spreading out the numbers to one new number every two weeks. This means that the 3 Year Curriculum will cover numbers 0-15 instead of 0-20.Please be patient with me in this ...
Review: Little Blessings
Tyndale Kids has a series of books called Little Blessings. These books provide answers to children's many questions and are wonderful resources to explain spiritual and abstract concepts to little ones. Who Made the World and What is the Bible are the newest additions to help children ages 3 through 6 understand the basic truths about Christian ...