Michelle came up with another idea for the sidewalk paint and using it on black paper!"That would be a great project for Solar System. Maybe add some glitter to the chalk paint...? Might be kinda groovy;)" ...
Have a New Kid By Friday
About six months ago, I read the book Have a New Kid by Friday: How to Change Your Child's Attitude, Behavior & Character in 5 Days by Dr. Kevin Leman. This book is currently on my "Mommy Survival Books" list at ABC Jesus Loves Me. One key point from the book really struck a chord with me - "B doesn't happen, until A is completed". Boy have ...
Sidewalk Paint
I went searching on the web for a recipe for sidewalk paint. Of course you can buy it but who wants to pay an arm and a leg for something that you can make for just pennies!Ingredients:Equal amounts of cornstarch and cold water (1/4 cup is a good amount)Drops of food coloringDirections:1. Place cornstarch in a small plastic container (use one with ...
New Education Link
There are so many incredible free sites available on the internet to help you teach your preschooler. I found this one today:Kiz ClubKIZ CLUB provides lots of educational activities in language arts for preschool and elementary age children. This website covers ideas for ABC'S, phonics, topics, crafts, story patterns, nursery rhymes, flashcards, & ...
I was listening to a Focus on the Family broadcast and heard Dr. James Dobson say "Discipline is not something done to a child but for a child." I appreciated this comment and thought I would pass it along. Dr. Dobson described the difference with the word story. You are traveling over a tall bridge. Although there are guard rails - you have no ...
Hidden Pictures Playground
Once again Highlights continues to turn out great products. Highlight's Hidden Picture Playground is another example. Another excellent activity for visual perception and fine motor skills. Check out their Puzzle Buzz Magazine as well.Product DescriptionThese puzzle and activity books are guaranteed fun for the youngest puzzlers. Activities are ...
Little Man
Little Man just turned one. Everyone comments on his huge blue eyes, beautiful smile, and happy disposition. There is nothing too high, far, or hard for him. With determination, he will conquer it. His activity level is so high that people do not like to hold him. He simply wears them out! Little Man is our spirited baby; filled with activity ...
Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea is our middle child at the strong age of 2 1/2. She has no problem voicing her thoughts and desires. If she doesn't want to do something, it will take a strong wind to change her mind.The comedian of the family, Sweet Pea truly has us rolling with laughter. She does things that shock you - definitely not always for the positive. Her ...
After being married for several years, God blessed us with the dream of a baby boy. Although the pregnancy was filled with bumps, everything looked perfect going into the birth of our son. It was almost immediately after the birth that things started to spiral out of normalcy. To make a long story short, we spent the first month of our son's life ...
A Different Path
I have decided to take this website down a little different path than I intended. Originally, I planned for the blog to consist only of issues dealing with Sensory Processing Disorder. I feel lead to open the topic up a little more to include all of our children and the challenges that we face in raising them to be godly men and woman. In the ...