This weekend was a tough weekend for Bubs. Just when we were getting along so well. I know that some of it has to do with the extra abundance of rain that we have been receiving but that is not an excuse for his disrespectful attitude. I have written before about Bubs getting upset and yelling "no" at the top of his lungs at me or his Daddy. Of ...
Early Intervention
A sweet Mom emailed me concerning her child and using the ABC Jesus Loves Me curriculum. I appreciated so much her desire to do what is best for her son. She reminded me of a blog that I need to do! I believe whole hardily in two things - Early Intervention and not sending kids to Kindergarten just because they meet the cutoff date. These things ...
Confessions of a Mom
This is a blog that I maybe should have written a while back but didn't realize the importance of it... A year ago, I started the curriculum at ABCJesusLovesMe. I was excited to use the curriculum to the full extend starting last August. We were going strong until we realized how far behind Bubs really was in his fine motor skills and visual ...
I talked to our OT this week about retesting Bubs, even though it is not officially time to. She and I both feel like he has made huge improvements over the past couple of weeks in his attention and focus as well as comprehension and vision. We want to know if these improvements are legitimate or if we still have more work to do in specific areas ...
What is He Seeing?
I have had several people ask me about Bubs' visual perception issues. The best way that I can explain it is to say that the hardware is all there (his eyes work correctly) but the software is having malfunctions (what he sees is not translating to his brain correctly.) I believe that this is much more common than teachers realize. Could you ...
Calm Week…
This week has been pretty calm for Bubs. He has had his fits of yelling and throwing things but they have been short lived. Some of it is that I have a definitely plan when issues arise and can follow through immediately. Mostly though, I believe that the therapy is continuing to help. Our OT introduced us to the game ThinkFun Rush Hour Jr. ...
God, Thank You
While working on our visual perception worksheets this morning, Bubs wrote on his shirt with a dry erase marker. (We use plastic covers on the worksheets so that they can be used over and over again.) If you have ever marked on your clothes with a dry erase marker, you know that it does not come out. I immediately sprayed it but knew that it was a ...
Visual Perception
Now that I have all of the visual perception worksheets made, Bubs and I are working on them each afternoon. We took the 1-1 worksheets from each of the categories. For that, I saw which ones I need to make more of and which ones I feel like he has pretty well. The drawing continues to be the hardest. Bubs continually wants to draw "/" & "" ...
Looking Back
You know that list that you have of things that you want to ask God? Mine is pretty long actually. But one of the questions that I have is "why was Bubs my first born?" The reason why I wonder this is because there are so many things that I would have done differently if I would have known. I know that I have high expectations for our children, ...
Others See It Too
We spent time with family this weekend to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Bubs had a really good weekend. He enjoyed the time with family and all that that includes!Bubs just completed his 6th month in therapy. It was so encouraging to hear more than once "I can see a difference in Bubs." His uncle commented about how much stronger he ...