Pin It Friends, I have been under spiritual attack. Attack towards me as a wife, as a mother, and as the fingers behind ABCJLM. It has been mounting for a few weeks but it finally hit the top on Friday. Other than days in which I have been overcome with extreme grief, Friday was the worse non-grief day I have ever had. My attitude was ...
Newsflash: God Has Asked Me to Do Something I Can't Do
Pin It According to my Advanced Comp teacher, I can't do it. According to the worlds standards, I can't do it. And, I agree. I can't write. The paper above looks clean compared to assignments that I turned it. I was sure that my teachers used entire red pens on just my essays. Fast forward fifteen ...
Did I…?
As you think back over this week, pray through the following questions: Did I serve God with my whole heart? Did I honor Him with my time, my talents, and my treasures? Did I take the time to truly love others the way His Word ...
Stop the Lying: Tips
This post has been updated: ...
Guest Post: Routines and Schedules for a Family
Pin It Guest post from Tauna: Our family has been going through a time of re-thinking, prioritizing, and simplifying. We are now a family of 6 with one on the way. One day, as I was relating to my husband some struggles I have been going through with the kids and some "big feelings" I was having, he gently suggested we take a good look at ...
You Are Being Watched!!
Pin It God is showing my husband and I - in so many ways - the importance of how we act while our children are around. Because, we all know that values are caught and not as much taught. While reading during my quiet time, I found these verses in I Timothy 4: 11 Teach these things and insist that everyone learn them. 12 Don’t let ...
Review: Berenstain Bear
Pin It The Berenstain Bear Books have been staples in libraries for 50 years. Known for their solid moral values and fun stories, they continue to be favorites. Mike Berenstain has carried on the tradition of writing what his parents started decades ago. Under the Living Lights series, Mr. Mike has strived to add Bible verses and ...
But the Priorities and Hours Don’t Add Up?
Pin It Did you enjoy our Scheduling Success series? I pray that it opened your eyes to areas that need attention and showed you how to make the most of your time. It was revealing to me! Let's review. Using the scriptures we decided the following list of priorities: God Husbands Children Along with these three ...
Scheduling Success: “Me” Replenishing Time
In our Scheduling Success series, we have discussed the need for God to be first, followed by our husbands. Our children should come next but often get the shaft by the amount of activities and mommy responsibilities that we hold. Returning to my "biblical answer" from the beginning of this series, next would be my friends and work. Because, as ...
Scheduling Series: Mom Jobs
60 seconds in a minute. 60 minutes in an hour. 24 hours in a day. 168 hours in a week. This is true for every living person. No one can increase or decrease this fact of life. And there is not a man, woman, or child who perfectly manages every moment of the day. But a friend pointed out something very ...