If you were able to finish Tasks 1-4, then you now have one room finished. Congratulations! Some of you are close to being done with the first room. Keep working! You can do it! Others have tackled 15 minutes each day on the Goal list. Great job! No matter, you are all one step closer to having a ...
Craft: Rainbow Fish
Isn't this fish beautiful? Sweet Pea made this creation 100% on her own. She was so proud of the job she did. Of course I was too! Print the Fish Printable. Paint with water colors. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle with salt. Allow the painting to dry and then brush off the salt. A pretty stained-glass look ...
Desperate to Declutter: Task 4
Yesterday we cleaned out the closet in Room #1. If you are like me, once your husband's feet faced the door, you ushered him into the closet to see the progress. Today, we are going to finish the first room. 1. Same start as yesterday: Prepare for the day. Put on your tennis shoes. Turn on the tunes. Gather ...
Reviews: God Bless Our Home & Under the Baobab Tree
Two books. Two reviews. Let's begin with Under the Baobab Tree. Follow siblings Moyo and Japera as they travel to the baobab tree. Written by Julie Stiegemeyer, this story introduces readers to life in the African savanna. The watercolor illustrations beautifully depict the dusty roads, termite ...
Desperate to DeClutter: Task 3
The day we have been anticipating. The first day of change. Are you ready? Last week, I instructed to you gather the supplies, prepare your heart, and make a plan. If you have done all of that, push up your shirt sleeves. It is time to get busy! Prepare for the day. Spend time with your Master. Put on your best ...
Desperate to Declutter – Preparation
If you are just joining the D2D process, click to start at the beginning. Do you have your supplies ready? Are you praying about how God wants to use you? I pray that you are encouraged and energized knowing that you are not alone in this task. Before Monday comes, I want to give you one more task. Deciding this will help get ...
Desperate to Declutter
Call it nesting? No. I'm not pregnant. Call it spring cleaning? No. It's almost May. I am a little behind for that. Call it desperation? Yeah. I'll go with that option. I am desperate to declutter and clean things up. Imagine for a moment with me... - a house without piles of dust bunnies (at least enough to stuff a oversized ...
Mixing Rainbows
Rainbow crafts - whether for Noah's Ark or not - are an excellent time to discuss the three primary colors and how other colors are created. Items Needed: Container, Red/yellow/blue paint, Paint brushes, Paper, Directions: Discuss how colors are created using the three primary colors - red, yellow, and ...
It’s Here!!!
It's Here! You can now order the 5 Year Curriculum in book form and a License to Use the 5 Year Curriculum in your church or business!!! Save the cost and the hours of time it takes to print off the curriculum's lesson plans. For situations outside your individual family, purchase a License so you can use the curriculum with other children. Read ...
What’s New at ABCJLM?
If you haven't visited the ABCJesusLovesMe.com site lately, you are missing out on so many great things. New printables New craft ideas The 5 Year Curriculum is finished 5 Year Objectives and tables have been added Bible Craft and Activity Pages Book of the Week Activity Pages Updates and additions on so many pages What's next? I am half way ...