© As a website and blog owner, I have this overlaying fear that I will accidentally break copyright. Unintentionally, I will take what someone wrote and not give them credit. Even in high school and college, I worried about this while writing papers. Some of you are nodding your head because you experienced this ...
Search Results for: sensory
Impressing Jesus on Them: What is the Purpose of Consequences?
On Wednesdays, our newspaper prints a column by Dr. John Rosemond. While I don't agree with all of his parenting advice (especially when dealing with children who have disabilities), our overall thoughts are very similar. High expectations for all children. Boundaries that prove the test of time. Unconditional love that has no end. Pretty ...
Helping Your Daughter Understand Her Body: The Ultimate Girls’ Body Book
As Bubs and Sweet Pea are knocking on the doorstep of adolescents, my husband and I have been talking more and more about having "the" talk with each of them. Actually, not just one talk but several talks. While this may be uncomfortable we want the information to come from us and not from their peers or ...
Widsom Learned from Raising Little Man: Getting a Diagnosis
credit Although training Little Man immediate obedience seems like a huge feat, it is one - uno - one step toward finishing the parenting marathon. But after feeling drug backward for so long, I celebrated like no one else. I emailed and called several people because for once I felt encouragement with our third ...
Wisdom Learned From Raising Little Man: Training a Child to Report
Using the techniques of "Come to Mommy" and "Lock it Up" helped Little Man gain attention and immediate obedience. Once these two became habit, I realized that follow up was the next area we needed to focus on. Once again I gleaned an idea from Tae Kwon Do. Step #3 - Report (Accountability) To begin each session of Tae Kwon Do, the ...
Wisdom Learning from Raising Little Man: Teaching a Child Self-Control
About a year and a half ago we created a mental list of six things we wanted to try to possibly help Little Man. We heard stories of kiddos doing "x" and how it tremendously helped the child. For the last eight months we have been "trying" the final option on our list: Tae Kwon Do (after the first five failed to provide the ...
Wisdom Learned from Raising Little Man: Teaching a Child First-Time Obedience
To being our new series "Impressing Jesus on Them," I am sharing wisdom learned from raising our third child. Little Man. Those two words bring up so much emotion. A little boy whose notorious stories and amazing conversations skills cause people to flock to him. A child who within seconds can take me from the highest of joy to ...
New Series: Impressing Jesus on Them
credit Remember these sentences from my blog post last week? Her slumped shoulders and darkened eyes said it all. I have seen it so many times. At church... at restaurants... at the park... at Walmart. I have seen the same image in the mirror before. Her Facebook posts and Tweets bleed of pain and ...
Fun Books: Library Mouse
Over Christmas break, the three littles and I went to the library while Bubs was at therapy. Sweet Pea (1st Grade) had several books she wanted to find for us to read as they were favorites of her's from school. She specifically wanted to find a book about a mouse who lives in a library. It didn't take much ...
What’s on Your Notecard?
credit Last week I shared one of two areas where God is asking me to let Him perform heart surgery. The post was raw and ugly but I pray that it encouraged you to take a look at some dark crevices in your own life. Issue number two came as a surprise to me. At first I denied it. But within a few ...