Over the past few months, I have had several conversations with a dear friend of mine who has been struggling in the raising of her son. Her girls are obedient but with the normal challenges. He is one of those spirited-blessings that wears out the strongest of moms. One word kept coming up in our conversations - ...
Sensory Processing Disorder
Talk-2-Me Thursday Question
Here is a question that I received yesterday for "Talk-2-Me Thursday": What do you recommend for a child with Sensory Processing Disorder who is unable to have Occupational Therapy? Thank you for this question. Wow, this is a hard one because I believe so much in the Occupational Therapy that we have received for Bubs. And there are so many ...
Clarification to Mr. Rosemond
After a question and comment, I wanted to clarify my stance with Mr. Rosemond. I have only reviewed one of his books so I base my stance on The Well-Behaved Child and this weeks article refuting SPD. I typically follow a very no-nonsense approach to discipline. You did it, you were wrong, here are the consequences. ...
Dear Mr. Rosemond: Sensory Disorder or Stubborn Kid?
Dear Mr. Rosemond: I rarely read your columns but the title "Sensory Disorder or Stubborn Kid: You Decide" intrigued me. But after reviewing your book The Well-Behaved Child and reading this article, it is official. John Rosemond, you and I are not on the same page. You started out the column by quoting the http://www.spdfoundation.net/ ...
Guest Post: Website Suggestions
Here are suggested websites that Kari has found helpful: http://www.autism-pdd.net/forum/default.asp - great ASD/PDD support board http://www.nationalautismresourcesblog.com/ - really good articles, helps, and resources about ...
Eating Your Shirt!
Child learn specific ways to cope with the various emotions they feel. For some it is sucking their thumbs. Other kids twirl their hair. Some behaviors are socially acceptable while others aren't. But, these are all behaviors that a child has learned to do when over stimulated, scared, nervous, etc. Heather asked the ...
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Does anyone know anything about Oppositional Defiance Disorder? Websites or books that you suggest? What works and helps? ...
Sensory Brushing & Joint Compression Technique
Back in February when Bubs was having such a terrible week, I called his OT hoping to come up with something to do. I truly was at my wit's end with his behavior. Ms. W told me that she wanted us to immediately start the "brushing technique". She was going to send two brushes home, detailed instructions, as well as teach us what to do. I was ...
Guest Post: Life with Disabilities
This is the final excerpt of Kari's story. Read Day #1 here. We left the neurologist's building and I called my husband. I told him “it’s official, he has Autism”. I cried as I held the sweet little hand of my precious boy as we walked to the car. When I got into the driver seat, the tears were gone. I was ready to help ...
Guest Post: Life with Disabilities
This is a continuation of the Guest Post from yesterday. Read the first part here. What is Wrong? We survived like this for months. This is when we realized we were not dealing with normal childhood issues. This wasn’t right. We couldn’t dry our son’s back after a bath because he would scream hysterically. We bought a very expensive towel ...