My Mom found this list on Pre-K Smarties and sent it to me. Great list! Be sure to read more info about each game on their website! I am not familiar with some of these but will keep my eyes open!
3. Franklin Goes to School – The Game
4. I Spy Preschool Game
(Momma C’s personal note – I did a review of this game in April and also highly suggest this one!)
Mouse Trap
(Momma C’s personal note – This game had the BEST commercial when I was the kid. Seriously some incredible advertising! It made this game look amazing and of course we kids had to have it! Actually, playing the game is very boring but it really is a lot of fun to put the maze together and just play with it.)
Memory Games
(Momma C’s personal notes – Memory is a game that I have suggested throughout the ABCJLM curriculum and on this blog. You can find half a million (not literally) different Memory games – everything from popular characters to letters to opposites to faces.
What are your favorite preschool games?
We like Hi Ho Cherryo, Candyland, Memory, and Chutes and Ladders. We play those so, so often in our home.