In my week-long posts about the Spirited Child, I find the most frustrated factor is that these kids wear you down. Whether you are consistent or not…the spirited child is. Consistent at making over-the-top choices, that is. Doing those things that you have told them over and over and over not to do.
Little Man has never been able to touch Mommy’s piano. This has been a consistent rule in our home for all our kiddos. Even with discipline, Little Man will randomly touch the piano. As an electric piano, no sound occurs when he touches the keys. So, what is the draw? I am baffled.
Little Man has a thing for Mommy’s computer. Lots of buttons and the mouse is cool. Understandable. But seeing that he gets in trouble ever time he touches it, what is the draw? I am baffled.
Little Man doesn’t like to stay in his bed once placed there (although this is much better after five months). I have never seen a Daddy be more consistent. Discipline and lack of parental interaction, yet it is still a battle in our home. What is the draw? I am baffled.
This is where a frustrated Momma comes in. At what point does this toddler decide “Enough is enough. I am going to leave the _____ alone. I don’t want to be disciplined anymore.” I wish I knew.
In my immaturity, I would have labeled parents of spirited children as “inconsistent” or “they don’t discipline.” Now I see that this isn’t always the case.
Here’s what I have learned:
- When Little Man is in a whirlwind, I must stop the tornado. No matter what I am doing, I have to get him doing something. A change of pace, activity, and attention.
- When I am most frustrated, it probably means that I am trying to do something else. This may be making dinner, doing dishes, talking to Daddy, or on the phone. How can I reign him in so that I can finish what I need to do? Many times, I simply have him help me.
- Daily time with God is us utmost importance. In my most frustrating moments, my husband will ask me, “Did you spend time with God this morning?” It is amazing the difference my attitude has toward our Little Man.
- Consistency. In the heat of the moment, I feel like our discipline is not working. But as I think back through the last three months, I can see that Little Man has made much improvement on obedience.
My spirited child is my middle child….my extremely loving yet massive temper tantrum throwing little toddler. And yes it does seem to be the most frustrating when I am trying to accomplish a task that he seems beyond determined to interrupt. I keep turning back to the Fruits of the Spirit and reminding myself that I CAN make it through these moments with self-control and patience. I may not be able to control HIS actions (although I try over and over again LOL), but I can control MY reactions. I am a work in progress 🙂
"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" Philippians 1:6
All the best,