If this is your first visit to the Our Out-of-Sync Life blog, welcome! You will discover many Christ-centered Christmas ideas on this blog and on our preschool curriculum website – ABC Jesus Loves Me. Browse around and let me know what questions you have!
Christmas traditions are special and are like glue to the family who cradles them. Interestingly, they are also as diverse as the families who hold them. They are looked forward to with excitement and longing.
For the next few posts, I am going to be sharing some traditions that I find special. Several of these come from our family while some are not. You will see that a few of them were staged by the parents but the children quickly adopted them. Some of the traditions just “happened” due to the likes of those involved. No matter what the background, these Christmas Traditions have been “done” year after year.
Along with telling you about the traditions, I will be showing you ways to incorporate the tradition in your family. Some of the ideas will stick while others will fizzle with the turn of the calendar. Either way, you are making memories. These traditions are ideas to help get you started. But, I have found that some of the best traditions come without planning. Keep an eye out for what your family enjoys. Before you know it, a new tradition may be formed!
Christmas Tradition #1: Bubble Rolls
Food is probably the most universal tradition for the holidays. Each family has their favorite dish. Whether main course, dessert, salad or vegetable, whenever you hear about this recipe your mind immediately takes you to the holidays.
Your children don’t have to be very old to having favorite dishes. Get the whole family involved in planning the holiday meals. It may be easier to give them a few options at first. For kids, try showing a picture of the recipe if possible. Often times you can find a professional photo online if your recipe book does not have one. Try googling the recipe name and the word “images.”
Here is a favorite recipe of ours that makes a wonderful Christmas morning breakfast without much effort at all. The entire meal can be prepared the night before which erases the stress of preparing breakfast and being stuck in the kitchen away from your family.
Christmas Rhodes Rolls Recipe
24 Rhodes Rolls (frozen rolls in the freezer department of the grocery store)
1/2 box or 1/3 cup butterscotch pudding (not instant)
1/2 cup melted butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup nuts
1/2 t. cinnamon
Place rolls in well greased bundt pan. Stir the rest of the ingredients together and pour the mixture over the rolls. Cover with aluminum foil and then a towel to sit on the counter overnight or until rolls have raised even with the top of the pan. Carefully remove wraps. Bake for 30 minutes at 350. Immediately after baking, loosen the sides of the pan and invert onto serving plate.
Note: Many similar recipes call you to cut the rolls and then roll them in the dry pudding mix. For me, this recipe is much simpler and tastes just as good.
Next Christmas Tradition: Applesauce and Cinnamon Ornaments
Be sure to view more Christmas recipes and visit our Christmas Traditions page which is filled with crafts, activities, books, cooking ideas, “Happy Birthday, Jesus” party ideas, and so much more.

One of my favorite food-related Christmas traditions is to bake a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Day. Last year was our first year to do this, but it will defintely be a tradition for our family from here on out. We read about the birth of Jesus and I let the boys do almost all the decorating on the iced cake. It wouldn't win any awards, but it was a delicious and special dessert for us that afternoon. 🙂
That is fun! Here is the link if someone would like more info – https://ouroutofsynclife.com/2011/12/christmas-traditions-happy-birthday.html