A childhood friend posted a Christmas Countdown list similar to this on her blog. I loved the ideas she put together and asked to share them with you!
Below are example activities to get you started. But don’t be bound by these ideas! Make it your own and start new traditions.
Use an advent calendar, small boxes, or a Christmas countdown chain. Or create an adorable advent muffin tin such as the one Sherryl created. Very cute!

1— put up the Christmas tree and decorate
2— using a nativity set, tell the Christmas story
3— color Christmas pictures to create a Happy Birthday Jesus book
4— sing “Away in a Manger,” “Silent Night,” or other Christmas carol
5— bake and decorate gingerbread men or sugar cookies
6— make Christmas Pretzel Bites and package with the M&M Christmas story as gifts
7— decorate the Christmas Tree Poster
8— make Apple-Cinnamon Tree Ornaments
9— collect Christmas photos to create a Prayer Photo Album
10— string popcorn for your tree
11— go to a business Open House or parade
12— make stamped nametags on cardstock for presents
13 — open a little pre-Christmas gift: A Baby Born in Bethlehem book or other Christmas book
14 — make fancy hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles
15 — make a paper plate Christmas wreath
16 — watch a Christmas movie
17 — cut out paper snowflakes
18 — make and decorate brown gift bags or wrapping paper
19 — create a Hand and Footprint Calendar as a gift
20 — host a Happy Birthday Jesus Party and invite friends
21 — deliver a Christmas goodie or craft to a relative or neighbor
22 — play the Nativity Memory Game
23 — eat a candlelit meal
24 — tell the Christmas story in a fun way or read the Christmas story out of the Bible
25 — open family gifts
For more ideas, visit the ABCJLM website page – Christmas Ideas.
Be sure to “Follow” our blog (in the right-hand column) so you don’t miss other fun ideas!
Thank you, Myra, for allowing me to share this!