Worry. Stress. Stomach in a knot. Can you relate?
But then I read in the Word and see who God is, I feel foolish. Why do I pick up the cross and try to carry it myself?
Sweet friends, read these promises and rest in the fact that God is the great I AM!
Because God chose to create me, I will be confident He has a plan and purpose for me
Because God is a personal Spirit, I will seek intimate fellowship with Him
Because God is all powerful, He can help me with anything
Because God is omnipotent, He is always with me
Because God knows everything, I will go to Him with all my questions and concerns
Because God is Holy, I will devote myself to Him in purity, worship, and service
Because God is sovereign, I will joyfully submit to His will
Because God is absolute truth, I will believe what He says and live accordingly
Because God is righteous, I will live by His standards
Because God is love, He is unconditionally committed to my well being
Because God is merciful, He forgives me of my sins when I sincerely confess them
Because God is just, He will always treat me fair
Because God never changes, my future is secure and eternal
Because God speaks truth through His word, the Bible, I will listen and obey
Because God is faithful, I will always trust Him to always keep His promises
Because God answers the prayers of His children, I will seek Him to direct and guide me
I encourage you to print this list and add it to your “God is…” section of your Quiet Time Journal. Begin your quiet time stating these promises.
Found in my Women’s Ministry folder.
I encourage you to print this list and add it to your "God is…" Totally thought this thought about 4 verses down! I love Gods wisdom!
Falon, Just wanted to let you know that we miss you in our SISTERS Group on Facebook!