UPDATE: The Road Trip Activity Workbook has been completely remodeled with new graphics and activities. I invite you to take a look! (See new image above)
A few weeks ago, I began a blog series on Family Vacations and Road Trips. I shared tips and tools to help you decide where to visit on your family vacation, how long to stay, and I provided a free printable packing list. And don’t forget about the recipe for our favorite Road Trip Snack Mix. To help with the budget, I also laid out a meal plan with recipes, a printable grocery list, and snack options. (Click to read the first post in our Family Vacation series.)
To put the finishing touches on this series, I want to share our Road Trip Activity Book. A collection of activities and games that we did to keep the kiddos busy while building memories for the whole family.
I have to admit that even I was shocked at how much we learned about each other, laughed, and enjoyed each one of these activities. And let me say that with two ADHD kiddos, I was very nervous about being in the van for 23 long hours.
Here is a list of activities and games that you will find in the ABCJLM Family Vacation Activity Book.
- The License Plate Game
- Color Candy Counting
- Would You Rather?
- Road Trip Bingo
- Get To Know You
- Tic Tac Toe
- Additional Road Trip Games
My favorite was definitely the “Get to Know You” questions. The different personalities came out strong in the kids as we learned their likes and dislikes. I learned things that I never knew about my kiddos. Things that I wish I would have written down for future reference like…
- Describe a perfect day.
- What is the nicest thing that __________ (Mommy, Daddy, sibling) has ever done for you?
- What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Then to enjoy God’s beautiful creation, we did games like Bingo. Forcing their eyes to scan the scenery, suddenly the kids saw things they had never seen before and would have missed otherwise.
Geared for children ages 4-12, modify as needed to make these activities applicable for all ages. To save paper, I suggest using plastic covers with dry-erase markers where appropriate to allow for repeated fun. Place all pages in a 3-ring binder and store the candy and writing utensils in a 3-ring pencil pouch or hole-punched ziptop bag.
I also included various ABCJLM worksheets in their individual, 3-ring binders: Learning to Write, Visual Perception, and Bible Coloring Worksheets.
As my husband so often quotes, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” Enjoy the journey because memories are made along the way.