Frequently on this blog, I encourage you to set aside daily time for God. In this time God will change your life.
But friends, there is a second relationship that the enemy desires to “steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10). That relationship is with your spouse.
For those of you who work with children or stay-at-home with your own, you have been touched, wanted, and asked for all day. By the time evening comes you are tired, depleted, and desiring a warm bath with a good take-me-away-from-reality book or movie.
For those who work outside the home, you have answerws questions, met deadlines, and multi-tasked all day. Walking in your home drained, you focus on putting out the largest fires first to save the family from burning down. Then your spouse walks in the door and your attention is divided yet again.
Oh, trust me. I get it.
My husband has received multiple are-you-kidding-me looks.
But 20 years of marriage (tomorrow is our anniversary!) has taught me that I must save energy for my husband.
Here are a few ideas I’ve learned to save energy for my husband.
1. Go to bed on time.
There is not one social media post or TV program that is worth losing precious sleep. Because, staying up late one night has negative effects on the next day.
2. Stay focuses.
So many times I have found myself looking for something in a closet only to end up reorganizing all seven shelves when supper needs to be on the table in 20 minutes. A to-do list helps me stay focused on what is important for that day and not borrow troubles or tasks from the next.
3. Use Your Toolbox
Nothing wears me out more than a day flooded with discipline and consequences. Add in some frustration and high emotions, and my energy level is depleted. I am learning the importance of using my a parenting toolbox of discipline ideas instead of responding with emotion. You can create your own toolbox from ideas on the ABCJLM Parenting Playlist.
4. Family Quiet Time
When we had only one toddler in the home, a friend shared that her kids (no matter what their ages) had quiet time from 1:00-3:00 every day. She needed the time to focus on her to-do list or to simply refuel and rest. Clueless as I was to the wisdom she was sharing, it stuck with me and I now realize how right she was. Our kids were trained to be in their rooms resting, reading, or quietly playing between these hours. The kiddos needed this rest and quiet time, and so did their mommy. And on the weekends, this was mommy/daddy time. Click to read How to Introduce Afternoon Quiet Time in Your Home
5. Early Bedtimes
Even with teenagers in our home, the bedtime process begins at 7:00. This gives my husband and I some time to ourselves. If you struggle getting your children to sleep or stay asleep all night, for the sake of your marriage I encourage you to make this a priority.
Priority Check
Is your spouse getting your leftovers?
It is a daily battle but every day I make the right choice, I am rewarded. And I have to tell you, every year that we have been married the reward gets sweeter.
Giveaway Winner
Thank you to all who entered to win a copy of the I Can Only Imagine Movie shared in last week’s post. Out of 174 entries, the randomly chosen winner is:
Entry #88 – Beth (email spaciouspl…@)
Thank you to everyone who entered and thank you to FlyBy Promotions for providing this giveaway.And for those who did not win, you can pre-order the I Can Only Imagine Movie now!
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