I went to bed with a heavy heart. Sleep didn’t ease the burden.
My heart hurts because society has fed us a big lie which we are biting, chewing, and swallowing.
Friends…if your child over the age of 2 is hitting, yelling, disrespectful, demanding, and disobedient it is NOT okay. This is NOT age-appropriate.
You deserve better. Your child deserves better.
And the work has to start now because it will only get harder as the child gets older.

Because…we are to raise children who Love God and Love Others. Period.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9
And children who are allowed to do as they please will never learn to love God through obedience and love others.
And children with special needs are not exempt. All children can learn to be respectful and obedient. It will take tons more work and it will be a long, exhausting process, but it can happen.

What Lie am I Believing?
Which of the lies below are causing you to not parent as the Bible commands?
Lie: I don’t know what to do and don’t have anyone to help me.
TRUTH: There are resources for you.
The ABCJesusLovesMe Parent and Teacher Conferences will help you see what the Bible says about parenting and then come up with a plan to change the expectations at home. https://www.abcjesuslovesme.com/events/
And this is not an option, we offer a Parenting Playlist or Biblical Parenting Video Series with ideas on how to handle tantrums, set boundaries, and teach a child to sit quietly for an age-appropriate amount of time.
If you prefer to read, Love and Logic and Dr. Kevin Leman have amazing parenting books. View my favorite parenting books on our Amazon Shop. https://www.amazon.com/shop/abcjlm (See giveaway below)
Lie: It’s too late.
Truth: Love and Logic says for every year of poor parenting, you will need to spend 1 month of good parenting to turn it around.
That means 3 years of poor parenting a preschooler will only take 3 months to get on the right track!
Lie: My child won’t listen and obey.
Truth: Your child can learn to listen and obey.
There are simple ideas like “uh-oh,” one-liners, and techniques were “B” doesn’t happen until “A” is complete. You do have options to persuade a child that obedience will make their life easier. And the younger you start, the easier it is. (Find out more about these at an ABCJLM Conference, on our YouTube Channel, and in the suggested books.)

It’s time to denounce the lies, drop the excuses, and drop the pride. And, cling to the truth and hope.
You can make the changes. It will be hard. It will be discouraging. It will be exhausting. But you will be doing what GOD designed you to do. And, you won’t be doing it alone.
Desiring for you to have helpful parenting tools, a generous couple has offered to give away four copies of a Love and Logic Parenting Book: Early Childhood, Parenting with Love and Logic or Parenting Teens ($18 value).
To enter, click on the rectangular image below. This giveaway will end on Monday August 27th @ 12:00 p.m (CST). Four winners will be announced August 28th on this blog so be sure to come back and see if you have won!

Or click – https://goo.gl/forms/fFqnnMiHd9ex12De2 One entry per household, US residence only. Click to read our Giveaway Rules.
While this couple has asked to remain anonymous, I want to humbly thank them for this incredible donation.

Entering for the love and logic book, but totally agree on the post!
Thank you! Be sure to click on the link above to enter to win!
Heidi! I clicked on the link to enter to win and it said it’s no longer accepting entries 🙁 It’s only 9:21 PM CST! I just subscribed to your blog (after purchasing the 4 Year lesson plans) and read this article (which is a good gut punch for me) and I so happened to see the contest. My heart sank when I saw the deadline but then I perked up when I realized it IS the 27th and I have just over two hours before the entries close. Please take my name! Thank you!
Hello Kate. Thank you for desiring to enter. Unfortunately the giveaway ended on the 27th at 12:00 pm (noon) Central Standard Time. But be sure to subscribe to our website so you don’t miss further giveaways! http://forms.feedblitz.com/5p2
Oh gosh I feel silly! Thank you 🙂
No problem! Glad to help! 🙂