Do you feel like climbing to the top of your roof and shouting, “Help! I am homebound with my children and I don’t know what to do!” You are not alone. Many families have found themselves in a new situation with social distancing.
Here are some ideas to help you navigate this new experience.

Collect a Toolbox of Ideas
As a family I encourage you to create a list of activities that you would like to do together. Specifically, have a family meeting to brainstorm ideas and create a list.
Here are a few ideas to get your started
- Learn more about Easter with the FREE Easter Workbook (link at the bottom of this email for all subscribers) or other fun Easter ideas
- Print Free File Folder Games to learn about colors, letters, and other objectives
- Your kids will LOVE having a Memory Obstacle Course
- Print FREE Bingo Cards and play Bingo together as a family
- Make Homemade Play Dough and work fine motor skills
- Find a plethora of ideas on the list of 235 Fun Ideas
- Learn about the Armor of God with the activity workbook
For older children, YouTube has a plethora of free videos to learn how to paint, draw, sew, and create. Watch with your child and learn together.
Focus One Area of Parenting
The extra time without school activities has allowed me to work on specific areas of parenting that have been lax. Specifically we are working on neat handwriting and eating etiquette. For you it might be independent play, potty training, teaching responsibility, or first-time obedience. Or, use this opportunity to prepare your child for kindergarten with the free ABCJesusLovesMe play-based Curriculum.

Limit Electronics
Really? Yes. While screen time can keep children busy for a while, most children will lose interest after a while. Instead I encourage you to save electronics for most needed times. If you have access to RightNow Media, there are wonderful kids’ programs available. Instead of electronics enjoy a fun family game. Here are a list of our favorite games.
Instill a Loose Schedule
I’ve already heard from several mommas who have said their day went much better when they instilled a loose schedule. It helps because children like and need routine and predictability. Free play all day isn’t beneficial for anyone. Here are some scheduling ideas to get you started.
- Example Schedules
- Number Routine Planning
Get Outside
It is especially important that we all get fresh air and Vitamin D as much as possible. Weather permitting, take a walk, play with sidewalk chalk, or bounce a ball around. Here is a list of more gross motor ideas.

Hold Church at Home
Because so many are unable to attend church (our family included) I will be creating weekly Live Preschool Worship videos for families on the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook group. Free activity sheets will be available to print to further the learning. I am compiling past broadcasts on the ABCJLM website for simple access – Bible Time with Ms. Heidi.
Give Yourself Grace
This is new for everyone. You are going to make mistakes and you may need to change the rules in the middle, but we are all learning. Monitor and adjust knowing that we are all trying to figure out our new normal.
Take Care Your Yourself
With the added stress and attention to details that is being required of us, self-care is even more important. We can not pour into our families what we don’t have. This includes:
- Read your Bible and pray daily
- Get adequate nutrition, exercise, and rest
Need more ideas? Join the ABCJesusLovesMe private Facebook group where members are sharing ideas of what they are doing to be intentional with the focused time that God has given us.
Have questions? It is my prayer that ABCJLM and this blog will encourage and empower you during this time. Please let me know how I can help.