Updated and reposted 2020.
Parenting in the Franz house is emotionally arduous right now. Bubs, at 16, is embracing new responsibilities such as driving to school and starting a part-time job. It’s as if he’s spreading his wings to prepare for flight right before my eyes.
I find myself wondering: When did the little boy who was the inspiration for ABCJesusLovesMe evolve into a man?

Plucking to Sew
Recently, a friend shared the powerful image above on Facebook.
She shared with the image: A couple of years ago, I saw this picture on Facebook. It represents beautifully how I see my role as a mom to three girls. It is my hope that by the time my youngest finishes college all my feathers will be in my daughters’ wings.
In my 16-year journey as a parent, I feel a shift happening. As in the above image, I sense my wings getting lighter as I observe my children’s filling up.
And to be honest, it hurts. Seeing our four children spread their wings and fly farther from the nest stirs up a mix of emotions.

As I journey through parenting, my purpose is becoming clearer. Lord willing, I have 18 years to “impress” on them wisdom from the Word (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) and train them to love God through obedience and love others (Mark 12:30-31). While my instinct may be to shelter them under my wings, I realize that my true mission is to empower them to fulfill their God-given purpose – go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).
I’m discovering that parenting isn’t about holding on tightly; it’s about letting go and allowing my children to spread their wings and fly.

Letting Go with Love
To those of you still knee-deep in the chaos of potty-training accidents and temper tantrums, it may feel that you are a long way from your children leaving the nest. But sooner than you think, you’ll be witnessing your own children drive away to college or a job.
My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will engrave this image in our minds, as we’re called to “impress” and then let go. Though I feel a part of myself slipping away during this 18-year transition, I find peace in knowing it’s because I’ve followed God’s plan. I’m filled with anticipation witnessing what God will do in their lives, all for His glory.
Today’s Update (2024): Now that I have one child in college, two in high school, and one finishing middle school, this blog post feels more relevant than ever. They say, “Don’t blink.” I couldn’t agree more. It goes by so quickly. Let your kids soar.
Read More:
- Do You Have a Biblical Parenting Plan?
- Reaping a Harvest in Parenting
- 5 Major Blind Spots in Parenting
- Best Parenting Advice from Experienced Parents

Unsure how to train your child to obey using grace and truth? I invite you to join us:
- August 2-3, 2024 – NW Arkansas
- October 4-5, 2024 – Austin, Texas
We will dive into the Bible to determine God’s plan for raising children. Also learn how to parent and teach intentionally, get the most out of the ABCJesusLovesMe Curricula, and create a play-based learning environment. Discover what to teach and how to teach! Perfect for preschool or Sunday School teachers, moms and dads, MOPS leaders, grandparents, and daycare leaders. Learn more…

I am unable to find the source or illustrator of this beautiful drawing. Please let me know if you have information so credit can be given.