The Dragon and the Turtle is a precious story of friendship and caring for others. Throw in some detective work and here is a story that your children will enjoy. The book begins with a hungry dragon - Padraig - looking for a little more food to satisfy himself. Along the way, he meets a new friend - Roger the Turtle. ...
Kids Understanding of God
I had a person tell me that kids don't really understand anything about God or the Bible. So sad...because this person was sadly mistaken. It says in Mark 10:14-15 - "Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God ...
Recipe: English Toffee
This is one of our family's favorites at Christmas. I don't believe that my mom could make enough batches. This is truly the best English Toffee recipe around! 1 1/2 cup brown sugar1/2 lb butter (not margarine)1/2 t. vanilla Cook the above ingredients over low heat in heavy saucepan stirring constantly. Cook until it reaches hard crack stage - (300 ...
Review: Jesus God’s Great Gift
With Bubs starting to read, I am enjoying the "I Can Read" book for their simplicity and repetition of words. Jesus, God's Great Gift is one of the Level 2 readers about the Christmas story. In very simple terms the Christmas story is presented. To help developing readers, the sentences are short and repetition ...
Review: Children of God Storybook Bible
When we pick up books, it is easy to assume that what we read is truth. That some how, if it is published then all of the work has been done to make sure everything is factual. While I quickly learned that this is not true, I realized that I have not been as discerning with Children's Bibles. I assume that if it is published with ...
Review: Kibbles Rockin’ Clubhouse
You know a particular product is successful when your child pulls out specific content (both positive and negative) and applies it to every day life. Kibbles Rockin' Clubhouse: Expressing Yourself is a positive example of this. Here are two examples: Mommy is a little frustrated over a situation. Bubs reminds Mommy that it is "time to calm ...
Making Memories
Several months ago I mentioned that my mom gave me a 1993 issue of Shining Star magazine. Included in this issue is an excerpt from Jody Capehart's book - Cherishing and Challenging Your Children. The article called "Making Meaningful Memories", contains practical tips to create family traditions and memories throughout the year. ...
Review: Read, Listen, and Wonder Books and Cd’s
Read, Listen, and Wonder Books by Candlewick Press are also suggested in the new book The Autism Sisterhood: A (brief) Manual. I had the opportunity to review five different books. Each book focuses on an animal and comes with a Cd that contains three tracks - the story, facts about the animals and the real-along version. The ...
Keep the Most Important Thing, the Most Important Thing
Our pastor made this the opening quote of his message. Ponder it with me... "The most important thing about you is what you think about when you think about God." Taken from A.W. Tozer's book The Pursuit of God. ...
Guest Post: Nativity Memory Game
Thank you to Miss Cheryl for another great Guest Post... Transition times happen often throughout the day with a group of children! Waiting for some of our friends to wash their hands, waiting for some of our friends to finish their snack, etc. Waiting is difficult for preschool age children. A minute seems like an hour! Try standing ...