For several days I have been tempting you with little sneak peaks into the newly anticipated "What's in the Bible?" by Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer. Today's the day that I am finally going to get to the nitty-gritty. The good. The bad. The ugly. Positives - Phil Vischer set out to teach the Bible in 13 videos (the ...
Game: Bowling
Little Man received Barnyard Bowling from some friends. We have had so much fun bowling as a family. While Little Man sits down to roll the ball toward the pins, the rest of us can bowl correctly (minus the finger holes). Surprisingly, bowling does not take a lot of space and creates tons of fun. ...
3rd Children’s Bible Added
A while back I received the children's Bible My Story Bible: 66 Favorite Stories from Tyndale Kids to review. I have added it to the ABCJLM as a supplemental material. Several times I have debated on adding it to the curriculum. I even sat down and started to but realized that only about half of the stories in the ...
Jelly Telly
Jelly Telly's has an excerpt of the new "What's in the Bible?" Also you can see what Jelly Telly's is all about! It is free to view. ...
Ponies in the Bible?
I was in the other room while Bubs and Sweet Pea emptied the dishwasher. I overheard this: "Ponies?" "Ponies is the Bible?" (With the character's voice) "They look like ponies." As a parent, once you have had an opportunity to see What's in the Bible?, you will find this very funny! Throughout Volume 1, Ian is ...
Homemade Laundry Detergent
If this is your first visit to our blog, welcome! We hope that you will stay awhile and check out the rest of Our Out-of-Sync Life Blog as well as our Free Preschool Curriculum website - Thanks for stopping by! (Several UPDATES have been made to this post.) In all reality, I am not very "green." I don't get into ...
What’s in the Bible?
We are all singing this one! ...
10 Leper Song
If you are studying week 28 of the 4 Year Curriculum, you have been learning about thankfulness and the story of the 10 Lepers. While reading the story with my own kiddos, a song came to me. I have added it to the curriculum: "10 Little Lepers" Song - (Sung to the tune of "Five Little Ducks") Ten little lepers got healed that ...
Is “Items Needed”, Needed?
I am thinking about erasing the "Items Needed" list from each lesson plan. Please let me know if this list is helpful or something you don't use. I definitely don't want to erase it if you use it. Thanks! ...
Affiliate Programs
A few months back the government changed a few of the rules and regs concerning blogging and reviewing items. You may have notice these changes on various blogs that you read. A few of you have asked so I wanted to take a moment to explain these new items to you. 1st - When I am asked to review an item by a company, I am not ...