Sorry, I know this is late! Rough week :-) This is Week 27, if you are following the ABCJLM calendar. 3 Year Curriculum - Good Samaritan Charming Opal - a fun story about losing teeth. Watch Are You My Neighbor to reinforce the Bible story. Number 1-12 and Letter Tt 4 Year Curriculum - Respect God I Need to Talk to You About ...
Finding an Occupational Therapist
Throughout the blog, I have raved our Occupational Therapist. Ms. W truly is sent by God. She pushes Bubs to do better and be better. She comes along side us so we can work at home with him. I praise God for leading us to her. I also realize that it is through OT that we have regained our son. I realize that ...
Stop the Silly?
I feel like I have a pretty good idea of how to handle a large part of Bubs' sensory issues. But there is one that I am struggling with. That is silliness. Bubs is excessively silly. Not just five-year-old-silly. I realize that this is common of these kids. I am talking over the top. So, I ...
Rough Weekend
Bubs had a really rough weekend. It was a roller coaster of emotions with him happy at one moment and screaming fit for the next. As I have stated before, Bubs is a very sweet little boy. His "fits" are so few and far between now that when they hit it totally takes me by surprise. I have had others ask me what I mean by ...
Wish Box
A sweet friend of mine posted this idea on their family blog. I knew that I needed to share it with you!. If you could request 10 wishes to be fulfilled by your mate, what would they be? Clean toilets? I am kidding... sort of. :) Five years ago, B and I traded our top 10 wish list. Here is what we did. I bought/found 2 boxes, one girlie and the ...
A sign hangs in a corner of our playroom: The concept of I-Land came from a Patch the Pirate Cd - Kidnapped on I-Land. The story is about a boy names Silas who wants what he wants! Being selfish, Silas takes a trip to I-Land where he learns first hand about Jesus' unselfish love. We use "I-Land" as a timeout area to remind our ...
Memory Obstacle Course
Our OT introduced us to "Memory Obstacle Courses". They kids love them! They are a wonderful inside or outside activity that includes memory, exercise, and fun. Memory Obstacle Courses are suggested throughout the ABCJLM curriculum as a gross motor activity. I have just updated the page to help explain how ...
Learning to Write
My closest friends can tell from reading my blogs when I am really excited about something. This is a time! For some time, I have been battling in my mind how to handle letter and number writing in the curriculum. I posted about changes to the 4 Year Curriculum here. I feel like I finally have the learning, teaching, or order the ...
How did you get an understanding of SPD??
A few days ago, LaToya posted the question: How did you get an understanding of SPD?? When Bubs was just 18 months old, I realized that the "fits" that we were dealing with were not normal. I talked to friends and family members but they didn't get it. They didn't understand the magnitude of these fits and really how helpless I was to ...
Creative Correction
I have suggested the book Creative Corrections to many Moms and it is listed on the Mommy Survival Books page on ABCJLM. Lisa Whelchel (you will remember her as Blaire on the Facts of Life) has done a wonderful job making this book user friendly. I love the "Toolbox" sections that give you practical advice in raising godly ...