credit If you look in my Quiet Time Journal, you will see that I daily pray for ABC Jesus Loves Me and this blog. I pray for those who use the preschool curriculum website, the readers who willingly dive into life with our family, and the women who are in our Facebook Groups. It is my constant plea that I would follow the Holy ...
Best Free Computer Learning Websites
credit Below is a list of free computer games available online which we have stumbled upon, our kids use at school, or their teachers have suggested to us. All are educationally driven. Several of these we will use for fun learning this summer. Math Multiplication Games for addition, subtraction as well as multiplication. Xtra ...
Our Summer Schedule: Contributions & Visual Schedule
If you hang out with me for a time, you will hear me say the phrase "gift of work" several times. I am convinced that one of my jobs as a mom is to give my children the gift of work - to build them a work ethic. Summer is a fabulous time to do this as the time is more readily available and chores are available outside and ...
Our Summer Schedule: School, Chores, & Fun
Summer is coming and I couldn't be more excited! Our older kids will finally be out of school (13 snow days really pushed back the ending date) and the weather will finally be warm enough for swimming, picnics, and camping. Several of you have asked about a summer schedule and how to continue learning through the middle months, so I wanted ...
Money Management and Behavior System for Children: Q/A
credit Since beginning our Money Management for Children program a week ago, I have been collecting your questions. Here are my thoughts! Q: This sounds like an allowance program and that you are paying your children to do basic chores. A: I have been admittedly against paying our children for basic chores and fought it for a ...
Money Management and Behavior System for Children: Collecting
credit (Click to begin our Money Management for Children series.) You have probably seen these clever ideas on Pinterest. Ideas to help moms spend a couple of hours of their time to make a cute box or bag to help children develop responsibility. Some call them ransom buckets, pick-a-chore boxes, or even "Gunny" the toy-eating ...
Money Management and Behavior System for Children: Cashing It In
credit So far I have shared what the Quarter Coaching Program is, how it works, an example, and how to coach your child through it. Today I want to share the list of ways that our children can cash in their money. These are ideas that we came up with together. Some have been used a lot where others haven't been a big ...
Money Management and Behavior System for Children: Coaching
credit Today, I want to focus on the coaching aspect of the system - budgeting. (Click to start at the beginning of this Money Management series.) The basic rule for all money management systems is to spend less than you make. If you do the opposite, you will find yourself in a heap of trouble with creditors! This is where ...
Money Management and Behavior System for Children: Quarters
credit Yesterday I set up our Money Management and Behavior System for Children called Quarter Coaching and explained how it works. Today, I want to expound a little further on the quarters and provide you with a week long example. When setting up this program I wanted to reward the children for contributing to the family and ...
Money Management and Behavior System for Children
I have been like an octopus reaching in every direction for something that would work. Considering that I was seeking an idea to cover three different avenues of parenting, it's no wonder that it took so long to find what I was looking for. I wanted something that would teach our children financial wisdom. I needed something that ...