source This is a guest post from Dina. Communication. It is a HUGE part of who we are as people. So, when you’re a parent and you live with one or more little people who are learning to communicate, it can be an amazing and fun process to watch develop over time. But what about communication struggles? Before I became a mom I worked for six ...
I Don’t Love Well
credit Yesterday I expressed my God-driven desire to share my raw, imperfect life with you. As promised that is exactly what I am going to do and I pray that you will be encouraged and strengthened. Interestingly, the majority of my blog readers don't know anything about me other than what I share on these posts. 99% of you don't ...
FIFTEEN Free Beth Moore Books
This opportunity is no longer available but subscribe to our blog to find out more great deals!Until January 10th, author and speaker Beth Moore has provided ten FIFTEEN of her books and studies for free. If you have the had the privilege of going through one of her studies, you know what a huge blessing this opportunity is. If you haven't I ...
A Challenge for Change: What Will Fill Your Book?
credit Earlier this week, I read a quote on Pinterest that I can't get out of my mind. "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one." (Author unknown) Today is day three of 2014 and already two pages of your "book" has been written. I pray that the Challenge for Change, the past blog posts, my "A Quiet ...
A Challenge for Change: Personal Application
credit We began on Tuesday by "Diving" into the Scriptures. Yesterday I shared how "Drawing" the key words has brought depth to the Bible verses. Today I will share how I dig in for personal application and discuss what I learned. To begin, let me take you through the whole process using my prayer journal as an example. Step ...
A Challenge of Change: Drawing to Discover
credit Today is the first day of our Challenge of Change! I am thrilled that so many have decided to join this 31-day challenge to rise each morning to prayer, Scripture, and journaling. Wasn't it great to see on SISTERS and through the comments yesterday the variety of Scripture that is going to be discovered this next ...
A Challenge of Change: Are You Thirsty?
credit It had been six months since we talked but she is the friend whom time has no boundary. We picked up right where we left off talking about the highs and lows of motherhood. But as in many of our conversations, the focus veered toward the topic of devotions. I asked if she was studying anything or using any ...
A Challenge of Change: Mistakes I Have Made
credit On Friday, I welcomed you to join my challenge. A 31-day challenge to rise each morning to prayer, Scripture, and journaling. I am thrilled so many of you have decided to join me in accountability. This week I want to share with you a few things that the Holy Spirit has shared with me concerning my own quiet ...
A 31-Day Challenge of Change: Do You Dare to See What Could Happen?
credit The new year is just a few days away. As a mom, it is a time to return our kiddos to routine and raise the expectations after lax time at grandparents'. As I think about the new year, I know that there are character areas that I want to focus on with our kiddos. Loving each other with words and ...
What is Your Christmas Gift to God?
Pin It We often pack more into the four weeks of December than the entire other eleven months combined. And all in the name of Jesus! Well, that is the point. Right? Sadly, God gets pushed to the back burner as we spread cheer. Today, I encourage you to stop for a just three minutes. Grab a hot cup of ...