credit Moral vs. Broken. Good vs. Godly. For the past two days, we have been discussing the above topics. I realized that instead of desiring good, moral kids, my goal should be children who are godly and broken before their Savior. Yesterday I shared the wisdom of a children's minister at our church as she explained that if I ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: Where to Start?
credit After reading two articles, I realized that my goal of parenting was seriously missing the mark. Instead of raising good, moral children I should strive to raise children who you are broken. {Yes, you read that correctly.} Read yesterday's post "Why I Want My Children to be Broken" to understand why. My goal of ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: Why I Want My Children to Be Broken
credit In November I shared a blog post called "Seven Major Blindspots of Homeschooling and Parenting." The post contained comments to an article that I read written by Reb Bradley. Not long after, I read another similar article by Barrett Johnson called "How to Raise a Pagan Kid in a Christian Home." These two articles put my brain ...
Fun Winter and Alphabet Book: S is for Snowman
All in all, I dislike alphabet books. Loath them, actually. I cringe when my kids pick them off the library shelves. My first instinct is one of I-really-don't-want-to-read-this-book-grrrrr! Sometimes, I suggest a different book in exchange. Other times I give a flat out - No! When the God's Alphabet books were suggested ...
Learn About God’s Creation: Animals
Do you know how cows came to America? Do you know how long an eagle can live? Do you know how much a moose weighs? From the Made By God series is a new book called Animals All Around that helps you answer all of your children's curious questions including these above. Animals All Around is a 4-in-1 book that covers Forest Friends; ...
Copyright Carefulness: Seven Points to Remember Before Sharing
© As a website and blog owner, I have this overlaying fear that I will accidentally break copyright. Unintentionally, I will take what someone wrote and not give them credit. Even in high school and college, I worried about this while writing papers. Some of you are nodding your head because you experienced this ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: What is the Purpose of Consequences?
On Wednesdays, our newspaper prints a column by Dr. John Rosemond. While I don't agree with all of his parenting advice (especially when dealing with children who have disabilities), our overall thoughts are very similar. High expectations for all children. Boundaries that prove the test of time. Unconditional love that has no end. Pretty ...
Count Down to Valentine’s Day: Chain of Love
Valentine's Day is just around the corner. One of the activities for "Love" on the ABCJesusLovesMe Preschool Curriculum website is to create a heart chain. It would be a great way to count down or up to Valentine's Day. Mix in some of the ideas from the Thanksgiving Chain of Praise or Chain of Blessings to create a "Chain of Love." Choose ...
Helping Your Daughter Understand Her Body: The Ultimate Girls’ Body Book
As Bubs and Sweet Pea are knocking on the doorstep of adolescents, my husband and I have been talking more and more about having "the" talk with each of them. Actually, not just one talk but several talks. While this may be uncomfortable we want the information to come from us and not from their peers or ...
Widsom Learned from Raising Little Man: Getting a Diagnosis
credit Although training Little Man immediate obedience seems like a huge feat, it is one - uno - one step toward finishing the parenting marathon. But after feeling drug backward for so long, I celebrated like no one else. I emailed and called several people because for once I felt encouragement with our third ...