Did you ever imagine a free online tool that can whip up a haiku on any topic you fancy? Or how about crafting intricate illustrations of a boy riding a bike? Need a five-page paper in a snap? Consider it done. Welcome to the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence), the tech whiz transforming our lives and shaking up how we learn and ...
Green Eggs and Ham: How to Go Beyond the Storybook
My children enjoyed reading the story Green Eggs and Ham. This picture book is referenced in movies, sitcoms, jokes, and general conversations because of its classic story line. Many can quote sections of this book, including the little rhyme: I do not like green eggs and ham.I do not like them, Sam-I-am. Prior to our 11-year ...
Redefining Parenthood: Focusing on Purpose, Not Just Character
I love asking parents, "What do you desire for your child?" I frequently hear words like happiness, generosity, and courage. Thinking about these responses, I find this quote from my pastor so interesting. "One of the things that hinders us from living courageously is a lack of purpose and calling." I would wager that happiness and ...
All Things Christ-Centered Holidays!
Each year I have grand plans to create and grow holiday traditions. But the older the kids get, the more the holidays seem to sneak up on me. And with October just around the corner, this year is no different. To help all of us initiate Christ-centered holidays, and take advantage of the beautiful opportunities that the holidays provide to ...
How Do I Talk to My Child About Sex?
If there is any place in my parenting that requires grace, it is in the conversations about sex that I have with my children. I've said the wrong things at the wrong time. I've jumped to conclusions. I've missed opportunities. Why? Because it feels hard talking to our kids about sensitive topics. But as parents, we must be the ones to engage in ...
5 Ways to Help Kids Who Have Big Emotions
I said to a friend, "I wasn't prepared for the big emotions of a preschool-aged girl. What are the teenage years going to be like?". I remember looking at Sweet Pea in her small, but mighty form wondering what I had done wrong! Praise God that with guidance and prayer she learned how to navigate the highs and lows of emotions instead of being ...
The Power of One-Liners & Broken Records
If asked what the most beneficial tool in my parenting toolbox is, I would say - without any hesitation, "One-Liners." Also called broken records, these pre-scripted, parenting quotes have been instrumental in training my children. And parents and teachers continue to echo my sentiments as they have also seen these short phrases transform their ...
9 Ways to Cultivate a Heart for Missions in Your Child
We travel in a 10-mile radius every single day. Every once in a while, we venture out for a vacation and holiday before we quickly jump back into the safety of our little circle. But I want more for my kids. I want them to understand that there is a great big world out there filled with 8 billion uniquely created people. Eight ...
My Discipline Mistakes: New Podcast
Have you ever asked more experienced parents what they wish they would have done differently in parenting had they known what they know now? What about the boundaries that they are so glad that they held firm to? We all come into parenting with expectations of what we will do and how it will be. But not long into the journey something sneaks ...
Advice We’ve Learned Along the Way
From the moment you find out you’re becoming a parent, everyone has a word of advice for you! When well-intentioned and from someone you trust, these words of wisdom have potential to shape and direct the course you take. But if you look to social media or Google for your advice, you’ll be overwhelmed with the results! So, how do we discern ...