"Impress [financial wisdom] on your children. Talk about [money management] when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie [monetary self-control] as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write [financial stewardship] on the doorframes of your houses and on your ...
What are the Basic Skills of Learning?
Jenna asked a great question on the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group... What are the basic skills needed to learn? Are they letter recognition, sounds, etc? Preschool learning apps and TV programs lead us to believe that letters should be the focus of the child's preschool years. But there is so much more to foundational learning than letters! ...
Hope in Christian Finances, Part 1
A few weeks ago I asked on Facebook, "What do you wish you would have learned about money as a child?" Here were the top three answers. Then I asked what the biggest issues you are facing with money. These were the top four answers. I believe that most of us can relate to at least one of these. Having money or not having enough ...
Reaping a Harvest in Parenting
I am in “spring” mode planting my garden and the flowerpots around the house. I anxiously await the joy that will come from the yummy produce and gorgeous display of color. But preparing the soil, pulling weeds, and planting is hard work. The beginning of Psalm 126:5 echoes this sentiment, "Those who plant in tears..." RAISING SEEDS In ...
What’s a Christian to do with Pagan Holidays?
In years past, I have been asked about Halloween. So, I wrote a post, "What's a Christian to do with Halloween?". With time I was asked about Christmas and whether Santa was good or bad. But Easter being a pagan holiday? A New Trend Up until a few years ago, basically everyone I knew celebrated Christmas and Easter. I can only think ...
When It Doesn’t Go as Planned
I went to bed last night feeling embarrassed. Kind of like a fraud. Here I am, the creator of ABCJesusLovesMe, and yet not one Easter activity occurred in my house yesterday. Not one. How can I post all of these activities and yet not do them with my own children? Anyone else feel like they failed Easter? The Truth of Easter For ...
Why Raising Good Kids is So Dangerous
If I polled 100 Christian parents, I bet all would agree that they desire to raise “good” children - those who are kind to others, respectful to authority, and stay out of trouble. Isn’t this a good goal? Blogger Barrett Johnson encourages us to rethink this mission. ▼ Jump to Listen to Episode #33: Blind Spots in Parenting: ...
Christ-Centered Easter Activities for Kids
Easter is a pretty big deal at ABCJesusLovesMe and on this blog. And for good reason! It’s the holiday that we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior. But Easter can be a tough holiday to explain to children. Between the Easter bunny, loads of candy, Easter baskets, and Easter egg hunts, ...
Are You Raising Selfish Kids?
Of course, no parent wants to raise a selfish child. Yet it can so easily occur. Love and Logic created a list of six ways to guarantee raising a selfish child. (Hint: You want to do the opposite!) As Melanie and I always do, we've taken this list and compared it to what the Bible says. A few in this list may surprise you! ▼ Jump ...
Is Parenting Frustrating You?
If you can answer "Yes!" to the above question, you are not alone. Even for the most "successful" parent, parenting is frustrating. But maybe for you parenting holds more emotions than frustration. Can you relate to any of these feelings? Join Us! If you can relate to any of these points, I invite you to join us on an Intentional ...