Rivanna Music Cd's by Cathy Bollinger are sets of CD's suggested in the The Autism Sisterhood: A (brief) Manual. These CD's were created to provide teachers and children with songs that teach. As I have stated in several of the last reviews, there is a direct correlation between music and learning. Children and adults are able to ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
My Apologies for Barfing on You
Before I even start this blog, I am going to apologize for "barfing" on you. That is my term for "spilling my guts." I have talked in a few past blogs about being real. Well here it is... Little Man woke up from his nap on Friday and has been a terror since. Understand that he is always a terror but he has ramped it up five ...
Review: Papa’s Pastries
Papa's Pastries may be my new favorite children's book to teach kindness and God's provision of our every day needs. Plot overview: Miguel's family needs a new roof, firewood, and clothing to survive the winter. Miguel hopes his father, a pastry peddler, will sell enough tasty treats to buy the things they need. But all the ...
Reviews: Cd’s by Genevieve Jereb
In December I introduced you to the CD - Jumpin' Jelly Beans by Genevieve Jereb. This was another CD suggested in the The Autism Sisterhood: A (brief) Manual. Gen Jereb has three other CD's. Cool Bananas - Favorite Kids' Rhythms for Calming, Cool Downs, and Bedtime Routines It's Circle Time - Songs to use in circle time with ...
Snow Ice Cream
I had heard about it, but never experienced it until our last snow storm. One bite was not enough! Snow ice cream is our new family tradition. When you find out how easy it is, you will add it to your snow activities as well! Snow Ice Cream Ingredients 8 cups snow1 (14 oz) can Sweetened Condensed Milk1 t. vanilla Large bowlLarge ...
The Not-So Joys of Facebook Part 2
Yesterday I told you about a new study on how reading friends' Facebook posts affect us. If you missed it, be sure to click over before reading today's post. Here are two Facebook posts: Facebook Status #1: Made homemade cinnamon rolls, started a family tradition of snow icecream, worked on homemade valentine cards ...
The Not-So Joys of Facebook Part 1
A couple of days ago, I watched a news story concerning Facebook and how other people's posts affect our mood. It was a study done to see how much we compare our lives to other people's lives - or their supposed lives according to their Facebook updates. According to the study, Facebook users decide how their life is compared to what ...
When Being Frugal and Being Wise Meet
I am frugal. My friends say I squeak. I also look for every opportunity available for my children to work on creativity and fine motor skills. With that said, this year I am letting it all go. For this moment in time spending money on something pre-made is the best decision. Let me explain. For the past few years, I have ...
Review: God Gave Us the World
God Gave Us the World (God Gave Us...) is the newest in the God Gave Us... series by Lisa Tawn Bergren. This book explains that "Every bear has a special place in God’s great, big world." Along with Little Cub, the reader learns that God made us all different and unique but all with a purpose. Wonderful message to young and old alike. Momma ...
66 Clouds – Bible in Word Clouds
A friend set me a link to a site that has taken the text from every book of the Bible and placed it into the website wordle.net to create a word cloud of the most frequent words (pictured above). I was immediately inspired. Seeing God's word in this powerful way was amazing. I then viewed the YouTube video of the ...