The question was odd. But Bubs asks a lot of strange questions so it didn't hit me at the time the level of "weird." "Why is it bad to be the straw that breaks the camel's back?" I had about 4.7 seconds to ponder how I would answer the question and why he would ask such a random question before another mini-crisis hit our home needing immediate ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
How to Make File Folder Games
Before ABCJLM was even a thought in my mind, I created File Folder Games for Bubs. If you are not familiar with these, File Folder Games are inexpensive, easy to store activities that are great for teaching fundamental concepts to kiddos. The other day I pulled out some for Peanut and he really enjoyed them. I ...
What is Your Family Focusing on this Year?
New Years resolutions. Did these top your list? Lose 30 pounds. Be nicer. Eat healthier food. Attend church regularly. Have a consistent quiet time. Most likely, if you set some goals for 2015 you have already broken a good percentage of them. Sadly most resolutions rarely last more than a week. Because of this the Christian ...
Will You Drink with Me?
source On Tuesday, I challenged you and myself to spend 1% of each day (365 days a year) in the Word and prayer. While many of us believe in our hearts that this is important, it simply isn't a priority. Is daily devo time simply something we are supposed to do? Something that all "good Christian ladies" have on their daily ...
Will You Join Me In the Challenge to Impress?
It's strange really. We are only talking about a difference of 24 hours yet it feels like a fresh start. A new year means mistakes from the past year are over and change is possible. Something about a brand new calendar to hang on the wall, I guess. I get excited for January as though I have ...
Are You Connected?
Can I take a moment to tell you how excited I am about 2015? Call me crazy but I am pumped to see what God has in store for us. The good. The bad. The ugly. I know that if our anchor is secure in Him we will look back on 2015 as a time of growth. I have begun writing the first ...
A Prayer of Dedication: Do You Dare Read It Aloud?
Ever have a cooperate reading at church that causes you to stop in the middle and question whether you should be reading the prayer aloud? The words are so intense that you can't say them flippantly, Saying the reading silently, let alone aloud, requires some deep commitment. That is how I felt when we read the following prayer as a ...
ABCJLM Books Winners!
Have I told you how much I love our ABCJLM family! Truly, you are the best. This is why I love today's giveaway of ABCJLM Lesson Plan and Workbooks. A very small way for me to share my thanks for how you support ABC Jesus Loves Me and the Our Out-of-Sync Life blog. While we didn't meet all of ...
What Will You Serve for Christmas Breakfast? Here’s a Winning Idea!
Curious what you are looking at? Breakfast gone wrong, you ask? Nope. That, my friend, is pure deliciousness that produces smiles around our breakfast table. I had German Pancakes for the first time when in college and on choir tour. I still remember the goodness. After we had kiddos, I went in search for the recipe so that I could serve ...
Simple Letter Christmas Craft!
I have wanted to do this craft for a while but just haven't gotten it done. Yesterday I had a bunch of laundry to do so I set Peanut (age 4) up on the little craft table near me and he went to work. I couldn't believe how he was able to do this craft almost entirely by himself. Leaving me to get the laundry done in a flash! We began by choosing ...