This is a continuation of the Guest Post from yesterday. Read the first part here. What is Wrong? We survived like this for months. This is when we realized we were not dealing with normal childhood issues. This wasn’t right. We couldn’t dry our son’s back after a bath because he would scream hysterically. We bought a very expensive towel ...
Review: Captivating
A couple of months ago, my husband had the opportunity to attend the Wild at Heart Men's Retreat. You may recognize the title of this best selling book by John Eldredge. My husband was blown away by this incredible experience he had meeting with God and other men. He has encouraged me to read the book stating that I will ...
Recall on Children’s Medicine
In case you have not seen the recall - please do check it out. The McNeil Consumers group is doing a voluntary recall on ---Children's and Infant Tylenol ---Children's and Infant Motrin ---Children's Zyrtec ---Children's Benadryl McNeil Consumer Healthcare is initiating this voluntary recall because some of these products may not ...
Guest Post: Life with Disabilities
When asked, Kari willingly shared her story with me of her life as a Mom to children with disabilities. Excerpts from her Guest Post will cover the next two days as well. Be sure to leave a comment if you have a question for Kari. Our Story I want to start this whole thing with a short introduction of who I am and where we, as a ...
Through the Bible Flannelgraph on ABCJLM
You may have noticed that I have added a "Using Flannelgraph" tab and article to the ABCJLM curriculum. Page numbers to the Teacher's Manual have also been added to each Lesson Plans.Hopefully between the blog posts and the Through the Bible in Felt article on ABCJLM, I have answered your questions. But if there is anything that you still are ...
Review: Covermate Food Covers
You never know what I am going to review, do you! I love the elastic-plastic food covers. I use them all of the time and even had them on my Christmas list. When I was the given the opportunity to review the CoverMate brand, I was really excited. We all have those dishes that we love but they don't have ...
Discipline & Curriculum Questions
I receive discipline & ABCJLM curriculum questions on average every other day from friends, on the blog, through Facebook, and email. I love to answer these questions and will try to the best of my ability to do this. However, the more detailed your question the better. Please give me scenarios, what you have tried, ...
New Look!
I have had to sit at the computer for several hours - long story - so I thought I would work on the layout of the Out-of-Sync blog. I have to admit - decorating and colors are not my forte. Although I wish they were. It's true - Momma C does not equal Martha Stewart! So, let me know your thoughts. Decor Queen? - Tell ...
Talk-2-Me Thursday
Today is "Talk-2-Me Thursday". A time for you to ask me and other ABCJLM parents your questions. Any subject. Any question... Discipline ...
Personal Bible Time
On our last "Talk to Me Thursday", the question was asked: I would love to know what Bible time looks like at your home with the little ones. AND Is that your Bible time as well, or do you have another set time for devotion?? I totally misread the question when I answered it here. Thankfully "Our Family ...