And the winner of the newest Rufus and Ryan book giveaway: Rufus and Ryan Go to Church! is: Rudolph Family Please email me (webmaster (at) abcjesuslovesme (dot) com) your address before Sunday night (October 13th) at midnight so that I can get the book mailed to you! Congrats! Thank you to all who entered to win. Be sure to ...
What Are You Craving?
What do you crave? Kind of an interesting question, I must admit. defines the word "crave" as 1. To have an intense desire for. 2. To need urgently; require. 3. To beg earnestly for; implore. So, what do you have an intense desire for, need urgently, and beg earnestly for? The "Sunday School" ...
How to Create Learning Stations at Home
source Preschool, churches, and schools are now using stations to help children with independent and persistent play as well as interactive learning. But stations are now being used in homes. (If you have missed our series on teaching your child independent play, please click to read the beginning post.) Here is a description of ...
Introducing Lines to Toddlers
In Week 2 of the 2 Year Curriculum, the child is introduced to lines. Georgia shared a wonderful idea on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group to teach this objective. After doing the activity with my son, I saw how great it was on so many levels! Begin by gluing spaghetti on a piece of paper. Once dry, I tacked the paper do ...
Do You Truly Know the Bible?
Pin It I grew up attending church every time the doors were open. I went to a Christian college and took Old and New Testament survey. We now attend a Bible church and I have been involved in numerous small group studies. I now have a deep desire for personal quiet time. You would think that I would truly know the ...
Ten Tips to Introduce Your Child to Church
This popular post has been updated to this link. ...
Worshipping with a Special Needs Child
Click to view the update post "6 Tips to Attend Church with a Special Needs Child" ...
Giveaway: Rufus and Ryan Teach Your Child about Church
source Pin It Today begins a week long series on "Surviving Church with Children." Ideas to help you return to church, keep your children quiet during church, and how to worship with special needs children. I pray that you will glean practical ideas to help you not just survive church but truly be refreshed each week. As a mom ...
The Best Fiction Series I Have Read
Pin It Life is good. Okay marriage. Three happy kids. Good jobs. Financial stability. Lovely home. What more could a family ask for? But what happens when you strip it all away? What happens when life is no longer easy and peaceful? No longer is electricity, communication services, and ...
Wisdom from You!: Bringing God into Your Every Day Life
Pin It We are always looking for ways to bring God into the conversations we have at school. Falon shared these two ideas on our SISTERS group on Facebook. We have trained our children to come and ask for prayer whenever they get any sort of owie. Whenever we go somewhere or do an activity I ask, "What is our number one goal?". All ...