Pin It Kim shared this simple yet wise idea on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group: For stories, songs, and poem learning we have "rug time" We lay a 'baby' quilt (since they are smaller) on the floor. Then, each child gets a throw pillow to sit on that is his or her "seat." After just one week of doing this routine, ...
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Book Activities
Pin It Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. is considered by many to be one of the top 100 preschool age books ever written. Thus while creating the "Book of the Week" objectives for the ABC Jesus Love Me curriculum, I knew it was one that I wanted to ...
Are You a Hidden Woman?
source Pin It What is your prayer for yourself today? Honestly. Take a moment and answer this question. What is my prayer for myself today? Are you asking for wisdom? How about for strength? Are you begging God for forgiveness? Today my prayer is this... God, make me a hidden woman. By this I ...
Because God is Awesome! Family Devo
Have you noticed how child ask the best questions? Honest. Real. Sometime brutal. And after the question, sometimes I am speechless. Surprised by the depth of the question and dumbfounded how I am going to answer it. Oftentimes the hardest questions are about God. Because God Is Awesome!: Discovering How ...
Guest Post: Sometimes We Need Them More
source Going along with the "Welcome to Our Story" posts from this week, this is a post by a precious friend of mine. She shares so well life with her "Little Man." At the prompting of a dear friend, I'm going to write about a lesson I've recently learned. It seems I've had my thinking a bit backwards... You see, I have a child who has rocked ...
The Jesus Storybook Bible & DVD
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name and Animated DVD Vol. 1 is my newest children's Bible review. I have seen this Bible advertised on some major "mom blogs" and was anxious to give it a look over myself. With 21 Old Testament stories and 23 New Testament stories, this Bible covers both well-known as well ...
Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible
Pin It The Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible is one of the newest storybook Bibles available to purchase from Zonderkidz Publisher and is now available in a Deluxe Edition with an audio CD. Part of the Living Lights series, this book uses the Berenstain characters "to help children learn how God wants them to live every day." The major ...
Create a Memory Verse Lapbook: 2 Year
Pin It I love seeing your ideas and being able to pass them on to others. I hope that you are enjoying the ideas on the "Ideas from Others" pages on the website. These can be found under the Curriculum Tab, Extra Ideas, and Ideas from Others. Falon shared with me the great idea to create a Memory Verse Lapbook for the 2 Year ...
Create a Preschool Notebook
Updated to ...
My Two Convictions
source I have two personal convictions for our home. I feel that these are my responsibility. I take both of them very serious as I feel that God has laid it on my heart to be prepared to be Jesus' hands to others. Let me explain... God has supplied us with a beautiful home. Nothing extravagant at ...