Pin It A few years ago, a movie ignited fires in marriages around the world. It displayed to hurting couples that love is a choice and marriage is a commitment. The movie Fireproof centers around a 40-day challenge called the The Love Dare. A dare for husbands and wives to practically practice unconditional love towards ...
What’s in the Bible?: Spreading the Good News
Pin It It comes at no surprise that I love the "What's in the Bible?" DVD series. I have sung the praises of the Jelly Telly and Phil Vischer team since the first video was made available. Not along ago the 11th video was realized. Spreading The Good News! covers the book of Acts, the first church, Saul's conversion to ...
Review: Everyday Zoo
Pin It Wonderfully Made - With the announcement of a community talent show, Hayley wonders if God has forgotten to give her a talent. In her search, Hayley tried other people’s talents which ends in disastrous results. In the end, Pouch the pelican tells her, “God didn’t make you to be like everyone else. He made you to be ...
Your Most Important Question Ever
source Pin It Today's post is short. But don't assume the shortness equates to lack of quality. Because, today I am going to ask the most important question of your and my lives. How is your relationship with God? I used to think that this question was based strictly on a yes or no answer. And it does begin there. Do ...
What is Your Idol?
This post contains affiliate links. Let’s be honest, when I think of an idol the first mental picture is of a statue. Maybe a golden calf as in the Old Testament or a modern day figurine. Author Tim Keller opened my eyes to a whole new understanding of “Thou shalt have no idols.” In his book Counterfeit Gods: The Empty ...
What God Declares about Me #10
For the next several months, I will be sharing truths from the scriptures. Promises from God taken from specific verses. I encourage you to write each promise on a note card. Keep these promises together to read on those days that the enemy is hitting you with lies. Declare the truth! Begin here... I have no reason to ...
Review: Always Daddy’s Princess
Pin It If you know anything about author Karen Kingsbury, she and her husband adore their children. Her newest book, Always Daddy's Princess, is another glimpse into this personal love. Through a daddy’s eyes, this book shows the adoration that a dad has for his daughter and how that transfers to his granddaughter. Always ...
Review: The Read with Me Bible & Cd’s
Pin It The desire to have the Bible on Cd’s has caught on so much that many of the children’s Bible series are following suit. And why not? The Cd’s are just one more way for children to hear the wonderful stories that fill the Bible. Read with Me Bible Deluxe Edition, NIrV is one of the newest to release a Deluxe Edition ...
Review: My Learn to Read Bible
Pin It Stories in words and pictures are hard to find. Bibles in words and pictures are impossible to find…until now. Zonderkidz has just published the first (that I know of) Bible with word pictures. In the My Learn to Read Bible: Stories in Words and Pictures key words are substituted with picture allowing your preschool child to ...
Review: Bears, Bob, and Larry
Pin It Berenstain Bears In celebration for the 50th Anniversary of Berenstain Bears, Zonderkidz and Living Lights is offering three Berenstain Bear books in one. Good Deed Scouts Help Their Neighbors is one of the newest sets available and is also part of the “I Can Read Book” series. Honey Hunt Helpers: This is a classic ...