source Pin It I have heard nothing but joy and excitement for the brand new ABC Jesus Loves Me website. To know that what we have done has blessed you does my heart good! To celebrate the new website, we are going to offer the largest giveaway yet and you get a choice in the winnings! How cool is that? This giveaway is ...
One Thing that We Have Done Right
Pin It In my attempt to be real with you, I feel like I share a lot of yuck. The many areas in my life that I struggle with anxiety, anger, bitterness, frustration, and overall lack of self-control. I peel off the mask and show how God is working in my life. Today, I am going to share with you the complete opposite. Now, ...
Alarm Clock – Friend or Foe?
Pin It Storms were coming. Another night of tornadic activity? I didn't know. But, since I was husbandless for the night, I didn't want to sleep through something major and put my kiddos in harms way. (I am notorious for sleeping through storms!) Needless to say, the night was not very restful. And since I was going ...
My Agenda or His?
source Here is something to ponder today... We don't fit God into our agenda; we fit into His. Quote from: Balance at the Speed of Life - for Women ...
Bluejay Buffalo Chip Cookies
Repost of one of my favorite cookies! We made these in Home Ec class in high school and then the cookies were sold in the concession stands during football games. Continuing the tradition, Bubs made these cookies for a fund raiser that he did with his 4H club too. They were a big hit! Last night, Sweet Pea and I made cookies to ...
What God Declares about Me #9
For the next several months, I will be sharing truths from the scriptures. Promises from God taken from specific verses. I encourage you to write each promise on a note card. Keep these promises together to read on those days that the enemy is hitting you with lies. Declare the truth! Begin here... I lack ...
Have You Seen It?
Pin It It's a pretty big change. The logo, the look, the navigation. All new and improved! And your response has been wonderful. As I promised, the website has had a complete makeover. You will notice that all of the side menus have been moved to the top and the curriculum links have been ...
Happy Memorial Day!
source Pin It If you are in the United States, today is Memorial Day. A time for us to remember that "all gave some and some gave all." Enjoy the day with your family and friends! ...
News and Coupons
Pin It I have been telling you for a few weeks about the changes coming. This weekend, Lord willing, it will happen. That's right. We are finally ready to make the switch from the old ABCJLM layout to the brand new one. We have been working very hard and can't wait to show you what we have come up with. If you have questions ...
Answering Your “Stupid” Questions #12
source Pin It A while back I asked on our Facebook Group for all of your "stupid" questions - all of those questions that you may be embarrassed to ask. It is finally time for me to share my thoughts! (If you missed questions #1-11, be sure to click back to read them.) Questions #12: Do we move on with the lesson even if the child ...