source If you have a child between preschool and college age and live in the US, you are well aware that school is just around the corner. Soon we will say goodbye to the swimming pool, later bedtimes, and lax schedules. While I am sad to put summer behind us, I am excited for what this school year holds! This week will begin a ...
View Our Brand New ABCJLM Introductory Video
I am so excited to share this with you! It has been on my to-do list since the remodeling of the ABCJLM website. And it is finally here. A tutorial video of the website. This video will give you a tour of the ABCJLM website. It will help you understand how it works, demonstrate where to find things, and provide ...
Got Wisdom?, Day 4
image source Pin It Okay...we have learned these past few days that we need it. We realize that God wants to give it to us. We have even discussed how to find it. But now we need to figure out what wisdom is. Here is the best definition that I have heard. Wisdom - seeing and responding to the issues of life ...
Got Wisdom?, Day 3
image source Pin It In the past two blogs, we have learned that we need wisdom and God desires to give us wisdom abundantly. Here is another verse on this subject. Proverbs 4:7a says, "Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom." This verse says that wisdom is tops, supreme, above all. Then the author of Proverbs commands us ...
Got Wisdom?, Part 2
image source Pin It In the last post, I commented on the extreme need that we as moms have for wisdom. But where to do we receive this wisdom? Does it just come with age and experience? In I Kings 3:5-14 we see that Solomon asked for wisdom and God gave. At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God ...
Got Wisdom?, Day 1
image source Pin It In the past I have talked about the amazing church that God has placed us in. Although I never would have guessed this church as our place of worship, I praise God for the work He is doing through the lives of the leaders at our church. Currently, we are studying Proverbs. In I Kings 3, God appeared ...
A Chapter Book for Your Daughter
Pin It When the kids are finished with our summer school time, I read to them while they color or draw. I was excited to receive the book A Big Year for Lily (The Adventures of Lily Lapp) to review and read during this time. The kids were intrigued with the Amish and enjoyed learning about their way of life. In the beginning, they ...
Warning vs. Threats
Pin It Have you ever said, “Is that a warning or a threat?” It can be a snide little question but it is packed with meaning. Warnings clarify what is about to happen. If “A” occurs, “B” will follow. Threats are simply words made to possibly scare a person into action. Warnings are followed by consequences while threats rarely do. Often ...
New Theme Bibles Available
Pin It The Fruit of the Spirit Bible Collection is too cute. Leather bond, this Bible is decorated like a watermelon. Using the NIV translation, this compact Bible includes twelve full-color pages to tell you help you understand the Fruit of the Spirit: what, why, and how you can grow it in your own life. At 4.4 x 7", this Bible ...
Who is Jesus to You?
image source Pin It Have you ever really thought about this question? I mean sat down and truly pondered the answer? For most of us, our heads know that Jesus is God's son. Born as a baby. Died, buried, rose again. All true answers but sometimes answers that we quote back in rote memory like a preschooler in Sunday ...