This question was posted on the ABCJLM website. Momma C, I was looking at Week 5 of the four year old lessons and I see that the Bible story (Ananias and Sapphira) is not in the beginner Bible. I was wondering if you knew of a similar story that I could use with my son that is in the Beginner's Bible? The character trait for this lesson is ...
You Cannot Give What You Do Not Have
Here is something to think about today, taken from the brand new book Great Parents, Lousy Lovers: Discover How to Enjoy Life with Your Spouse While Raising Your Kids by Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham. (read my review) Without loving and enjoying God first, we don't have anything of real value to pass on to our spouse, kids, friends, and ...
Curriculum in Book Form FAQ
Answers to FAQs concerning the ordering and mailing of the Curriculum in Book Form. What is in the ABCJLM Curriculum Books? The lesson plans in the printed curriculum books are almost exactly what you see on the website. The curriculum books contain only the 36 lesson plans along with the 36 Week Table but no worksheets are ...
New Printables – Sorting Patterns
Here are two printables to work on sorting. Both include ten flower patterns (two pages) that progressively increase in size. The second printable contains numbers on the patterns to allow another level of learning. Have the child cut and color each pattern. Both have been added to the ...
Activity or Progress?
Our calendar of activities...Add? Subtract? Change? In this fast paced world, this may be one of the toughest challenges we as parents face. But what drives our calendar? Well rounded kids? Keeping up with the Jones? Not wanting to be home? We have an overall goal for our family - to further the ...
New Printables – My Color Books
Just created - "My Color Books!" I got the idea of creating color books from Bubs' Kindergarten class. He enjoyed reading them so much that I decided to create my own and add them to the end of the 4 Year Curriculum. There are nine color books along with one blank book to create your own. Each book contains a title, a ...
Review: Keys of the Kingdom Computer Game
Keys of the Kingdom is the fourth computer game produced by Left Behind Games that I am reviewing. Unlike the Charlie Church Mouse games, this CD-Rom is rated for everyone and contains a series of brain teasers. Each of the 100 levels progressively get harder. The games are set around the premise of castles, a king, and Sir ...
Sensory Tubs
Part of Sensory Processing Disorder is struggling with the feelings of touch. Sensory tubs can be created to help expose your child to different feelings. In our home, our "sensory tub" is the sandbox under the swing set or a sink or bathtub full of water. Bubs' OT had a beans and rice pool as well. Typically we do ...
And the Winner is…
I just realized that this post was never posted (stayed in draft)!! I am so sorry! And the winner of the Striking Daily Defense Product Duo (value $100) is... DebbiePlease email me your address so that I can have the company send you the product! Thank you to all who left a comment! ...
Review: My Memories Suite
One of my favorite hobbies is scrapbooking. After losing my sister, it became even more important to me. Up until now, I have only done traditional scrapbooking but have been intrigued by digital scrapping. I jumped on the opportunity to review the My Memories Software. There are about 25-30 Designer Templates, 1500 ...