The title intrigued me. So much of my time, energy, and mental capacity is spent on being a great parent and in turn producing great kids. But in this season of life, I am drained. What gets pushed back first? My marriage. I mean, let's get real. My kids can't go without food, clean clothes, baths, love and the ...
Review: One Hand, Two Hands
Max Lucado is one talented guy. He can make an adult reread sentences about God's love because of their depth yet he can bring God's love down to the simplest terms for a child. One Hand, Two Hands is the third children's book by Max Lucado that I have read. Once again I was impressed. By use of rhyme and gentle ...
Review: Choosing to SEE
I just posted a review of the brand new book - Choosing to See - by Mary Beth Chapman on our sister site Interrupted Expectations. This is a book that needs to be read. Read more... ...
Review: Charlie Church Mouse Kindergarten Computer Game
My mom found a Charlie Church Mouse computer programs for us. Bubs and Sweet Pea immediately loved it. Little Man enjoyed watching them play. The format is very similar to the Preschool version that I reviewed last week. The Kindergarten activities are geared toward kids ages 4-6. There are six Bible stories ...
Princess Part 3
In Princess Part 1, I shared that God has been using different books, scripture and sermons to change my view of princesses. In Part 2, I explained the first three point of a sermon that God used to further drive home the point. But, it is the final part today that I think is most important for us as mom's to ...
Princess Part 2
In Princess Part 1, I shared that God has been using different books, scripture and sermons to change my view of princesses. Today, I will explain this by focusing on the first three points presented in yesterday's post. I have learned is that it is our job, as father and mother, to help Sweet Pea understand that ...
My Family Drawing
The curriculum this week asks the child to draw their family. Here is our family drawn by Sweet Pea. I added the title, date, and the names of family members. She then wrote her name (blacked out). I had her write on photo-safe paper and use scrapbooking markers so that I could place it in her scrapbook. It was ...
Princess Part 1
In our family, we don't do superheros for the boys. We don't do princesses for Sweet Pea...oh wait...but do we? Seem a little contracting? Let me explain... It is our personal conviction not to watch or purchase items that include superheros. When Bubs is exposed to the various popular superheros, he goes ...
Recipe: Banana Oatmeal Breakfast/Snack Bars
I had some over-riped bananas that I needed to use up. I am always looking for healthy muffin or breakfast bar recipes because the kids love them and they are so easy! Google came through and by combining a few recipes and adding my own ingredients, I came up with a winner. Please understand that these are not light-fluffy-sugary ...
Address Confirmation Needed for Curriculum Orders
Sadly, I have five curriculum sitting on my counter waiting to be mailed. We have had trouble with wrong addresses through PayPal causing me to decide to no longer ship curriculum without an address confirmation email first. As stated on the Curriculum in Book Form page: Due to wrong addresses, please contact me through email or ...