Little Man wants to write his name so badly. "Mommy, Mommy please let me write my name." He does a few scribblings and smiles as though he just signed the Declaration of Independence. Now he wants more. Yesterday during school time, I gave it a whirl. Starting with the first letter of his name we got down to ...
3 and 4 Year Curriculum Finished!!!
Two weeks ago I finished the 4 Year Curriculum. Today, I finished the 3 Year Curriculum. Boy am I excited! You told me what you wanted to see changed/added and I went to work. If you remember, the 4 Year Curriculum had quite a few changes. The 3 Year Curriculum has gone through much less revamping. None the ...
4 Year Curriculum is Done!!!
Are you watching my shoulders? They just dropped several inches. The Holy Spirit and I have been busy, busy. But my "seventh" day is here to rest. For the past three weeks, I have been working very hard to make some much needed changes to the ABCJLM 4 Year Curriculum. I have felt for a while that this curriculum ...
Blessing Me and You
There are three things that I ask everyone who uses the ABCJLM curriculum and website to do: Pray for this ministry Tell others Let me know your thoughts, suggestions, questions, comments, concerns, criticisms! These are vital to this ministry. Two ladies are blessing me and you. Their behinds-the-scenes work is making the ABCJLM curriculum ...
Bible Story Question
This question was posted on the ABCJLM website. Momma C, I was looking at Week 5 of the four year old lessons and I see that the Bible story (Ananias and Sapphira) is not in the beginner Bible. I was wondering if you knew of a similar story that I could use with my son that is in the Beginner's Bible? The character trait for this lesson is ...
4 Year Curriculum Adds “Book of the Week”
I am so excited!! The 4 Year Curriculum along with the 3 Year Curriculum now includes a "Book of the Week." This list includes books that are a little bit longer and require more vocabulary maturity than the 3 Year list. When you are finished with the curriculum, your child will have been introduced to 28 of the top children's books ...
My Family Drawing
The curriculum this week asks the child to draw their family. Here is our family drawn by Sweet Pea. I added the title, date, and the names of family members. She then wrote her name (blacked out). I had her write on photo-safe paper and use scrapbooking markers so that I could place it in her scrapbook. It was ...
Address Confirmation Needed for Curriculum Orders
Sadly, I have five curriculum sitting on my counter waiting to be mailed. We have had trouble with wrong addresses through PayPal causing me to decide to no longer ship curriculum without an address confirmation email first. As stated on the Curriculum in Book Form page: Due to wrong addresses, please contact me through email or ...
This is the Day – Error
Man, oh, man! I found an error on the very first day. Not sure how this got by all of the proofreading! But the wording is wrong for "This is the Day". This is the correct wording: This is the day (echo) That the Lord has made (echo) I will rejoice (echo) And be glad in it (echo) This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice ...
Teaching the Wordless Book with Flannelgraph
The Betty Lukens Through the Bible Flannelgraph set has almost every Bible story that you would want. There are even sets to tell about the 2nd Coming of Jesus and Heaven. And if there is a story you want to tell but it isn't included in the manual, simple tweaking can you usually get you what you need. Even to teach the Wordless Book! Using ...