Since I realize that flannelgraph may be new to several of you, I want to share boards for Creation, used in the 2 and 3 Year Curricula. Using the Betty Lukens Bible Felt collection along with the Teacher's Manual, I came up with the following boards: Sweet Pea and Little Man had so much fun playing with the pieces. After ...
The Kissing Hand
In my post "Books to Prepare for Kindergarten", I mentioned the book The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. My mom gave this book to Bubs to read before he went to Kindergarten. On the first day of school his teacher read it to him as well. Google "the kissing hand" and you will find a 420,000 results. This book has ...
Updates and Additions to the ABCJLM Curriculum and Website
I am always working to make the ABCJLM curriculum and website better - either through things that I find or emails from you. Whenever you send me suggestions, errors you find, and corrections, you are blessing others! Here are the latest updates and additions: ABCJLM Worksheets - After using the Blank Tracing Line Worksheets with Sweet Pea, ...
ABCJLM Curriculum in Book Form Review #2
Here is another review by an ABCJLM user! Thank you LaToya for sending me the link and letting me share with others! Last year I went on the search for a free Christian preschool curriculum to work with Bubba. After looking through a few choices I settled on ABC Jesus Loves Me (ABCJLM). While I didn't use the curriculum as much as I'd ...
ABCJLM Curriculum in Book Form Review
I received this wonderful review of the new ABCJLM Curriculum in Book Form from Cheryl. She gave me permission to share it with you!Hey there Momma C! I received the curriculum the other day. I've been drooling over it ever since! It is absolutely perfect! I am so excited to use some....actually many, many of the ideas and activities with my ...
Starting the School Year
This post has been updated - ...
Error on ABCJLM Curriculum
Update: This error has been corrected in the current printing of ABCJLM Curriculum in Book Form. No matter how much proofreading and reviewing that I do, there are still errors on the Our Out-of-Sync Life blog, ABCJLM website, and the new ABCJLM Curriculum in Book Form. My sweet friend was kind enough to let me know about an ...
Thank You…
For the past six months, I have been working on the ABCJLM curriculum to get it ready to print in book form. But I have not been alone in this endeavor. So if you will allow me, I want to take a moment to thank some very special people for blessing, loving, and supporting me through this time. Tina and Raquel - Thank ...
It’s Here!!
After coming up empty handed in my own search, I created a preschool curriculum for Bubs. Under the suggestion of my husband, I decided to make the curriculum available for free to everyone and ABC Jesus Loves Me was born. The response has been nothing but overwhelming. I am honored and humbled that God has allowed me to ...
ABC Snack Ideas
Here is an amazing list of Preschool Snack Ideas to use as you learn different letters! ...