ABC Jesus Loves Me A precious Mom emailed me about using the ABCJLM curriculum with a toddler. Here was my response. Little Man is a toddler. He participates in "school time" during the Bible story, song time, memory verse and the other fun activities that are appropriate for his age. For example in the 3 Year Curriculum Week 1 - ...
Week 21
If you are following the calendar, this is the 3rd Week of January and Week #21 on the ABCJLM curriculum. Click for the 3 Year Curriculum and for the 4 Year Curriculum The 3 Year Curriculum will be studying the Wise and the Foolish Man. This is a fun story to study and a great song to sing along! Also, they will be ...
Number Rhyme
I absolutely love the Number Rhymes on the ABCJLM website. This is one of the many suggestions available on the website to help you teach numbers and letters to your child or students.As Bubs writes his numbers, we say the sayings to help him correctly form each number. The number "five" is one that can be written two different ways - top first or ...
FAQ: Beginning ABCJLM Mid-Year
ABC Jesus Loves Me One of the most frequently asked questions that I receive is the one about starting the ABCJLM curriculum in the middle of the year. I wanted to cover this topic as I know several people are looking for a preschool curriculum to begin in January. All four of the ABCJLM curriculum are created to be flexible. Although they are ...
Learning to Write Your Letters – Wipe Clean
Sweet Pea received the Wipe Clean: Learn to Write Your Letters : 26 Wipe-Clean Pages of Letter-Writing Fun (Wipe Clean) for her birthday. She begs to work on her letters in this book. The book comes with a dry erase pen and I love how the book "carries" the pen along. Every letter has a line to practice writing the letter and then different words ...
Christmas Cookies: Bite-Size Holiday Lessons
My mother in law introduced us to the book Christmas Cookies: Bite-Size Holiday Lessons by Amy Rosenthal. I fell in love with it immediately. I loved how the author took big "life" words and compared them to making cookies in a way that a child could easily understand. “FRUSTRATED means, I can’t believe we burned them again / PERSEVERANCE means, We ...
Now I Know My 1, 2, 3’s
My Mom found the book Now I Know My 1,2,3's at a garage sale. We have really enjoyed it for the writing and activities to help us learn numbers as well as colors and shapes. Each number contains a poem, a dry erase line to practice writing the number, and then a magnetic board that gives tactile practice for each number. The book comes with a ...
Wonderkids Coupon Code
ABCJLM and sister site users have just been awarded a discount of 10% off of all products on the website!!!! That is 10% off your favorite Wonder Kids products: The place to find Christian music for kids of all ages! Whether you're looking for a lullaby CD for a newborn, a collection of Christian music for kids of any ...
Make Your Own Weather Bear
I found this wonderful Weather Bear Activity at Monkey See, Monkey Do. This activity would be a great starter to every day along with the calendar at Check it out! ...
Letter Progression Worksheets
One of the newest items to the ABCJLM website is the Letter Progression Worksheets. While working with Bubs on writing his lowercase letters, I found that we made great gains when I showed him the connection between similar letters. Instead of having to learn 26 letters, he learned a few groups and the task wasn't near as daunting. I have not ...