source Pin It A while back I asked our Facebook Group friends for all of their "stupid" questions - all of those questions that you may be embarrassed to ask. It is finally time for me to share my thoughts! (If you missed questions #1-5, be sure to click back to read them.) Question #6: Is there a curriculum you recommend ...
Answering Your “Stupid” Questions #1-5
source Pin It A while back I asked on our Facebook Group for all of your "stupid" questions - all of those questions that you may be embarrassed to ask. It is finally time for me to share my thoughts! Questions #1 - "Is it really important to do crafts everyday?" Some kids love crafts. Other kids would rather have a hair cut than have ...
What’s Goin’ On?
Pin It It's true. I've been pretty quiet on the front end lately. And for that I apologize. But, I have to say that I am working really hard on the back end. Have you heard all of the exciting activities that are going on? Let me take a moment to fill you in!For the last month, we have been creating a brand new ...
New Idea for the Apple Tree Posters
I love hearing from you! People just like you send me suggestions, notify me of errors or broken links, or simply say "Hello!". It is through these emails that I can make the ABCJesusLovesMe Preschool Curriculum better! Teresa emailed me with an idea on improving the Apple Tree Posters used in 2 Year Curriculum. I am so excited to ...
Making Learning Part of the Day
Pin It Have you check out the ABCJLM Facebook Group lately? If not, you are missing out on a lot of wisdom! "Tina" shared some fabulous ways to incorporate the objectives of the ABCJLM Curriculum into a day with her grandson. I wanted to share her ideas because the suggestions are so simple yet so profound. Below are some of her main points. I ...
Teaching Children About Prayer
Because prayer can be such a difficult process for adults, sometimes we have trouble explaining it to our children. I do you explain such an abstract concept? I Can Talk With God is a book by Debby Anderson who did an excellent job of explaining what prayer is and how to pray. (This is a link as Amazon ...
Curriculum in Book Form Price
Pin It Five years ago, God put on my heart the vision of a free online preschool curriculum which we named ABC Jesus Loves Me. To our surprise, God has expanding this vision to include four curriculum, workbooks, this blog, forum, ebook, and Facebook groups - and a full time job for me. As the use of the ...
Fishing Game
My kids have enjoyed going "fishing" in our living room. Catching each fish becomes a educational game. What's great about this activity is that they don't even realize that they are learning!!! This game is easy to make and can be created as simple or as detailed as you want. To Make: Fishing Pole: A dowel rod, string, and ...
Placing the ABCJLM Curriculum in a 2012-2013 Calendar
Several questions have been asked about the official start date of the ABCJLM curriculum. While I have done my best to make it easy to figure, every few years we are thrown a curve ball. The 2012-2013 school year is one of those year. Thanksgiving is early and overlapping weeks don't fall in the normal pattern. Easter fluctuates so it ...
What Supplies are Needed and Should I Print or Purchase?
A lot of questions have been asked on the ABCJLM Facebook Group about what is needed to use the ABCJLM Curriculum. I wanted to write a blog post combining the answers. Curriculum - Immediate Family Use Basic Lesson Plans and Worksheets: The basic online Lesson Plans and worksheets are 100% free for immediate family use and are available ...