Creation Scavenger Hunt ...
Copyright Carefulness: Seven Points to Remember Before Sharing
© As a website and blog owner, I have this overlaying fear that I will accidentally break copyright. Unintentionally, I will take what someone wrote and not give them credit. Even in high school and college, I worried about this while writing papers. Some of you are nodding your head because you experienced this ...
Receive a Free Mini Workbook with an ABCJLM Gift Certificate
For the last four years, since the ABCJLM books in print have been available, I have heard from so many expressing their wish for the ABC Jesus Loves Me Preschool Curriculum books and workbooks. You may be one of those who for whatever reason has not been able to order the books. December is a great time for you to turn your wish into ...
ABCJLM Group Pinterest Board
Pin It Sarah shared the idea of having Group Pinterest boards, one for each of the ABCJLM Curricula. A place for many to share and collaborate ideas. So, I did some research and figured out how to make it happen! To begin 1) Follow Heidi@ABCJLM on Pinterest - 2) Leave a comment on this post (below) ...
Create a Preschool Notebook
Updated to ...
Guest Post: What Did You Learn from Week 2?
source LaToya offered to write a post about their second week using ABC Jesus Loves Me. I especially love what this Mommy has to say about learning being able to take place everywhere! I’m a planner by nature and I approach homeschooling the same way. I had planned to start a week “early” because I would be starting school myself when August ...
Guest Post: What Did You Learn from Week 1?
source A Mommy of 3 (4 and under) offered to write a post about their first week using ABC Jesus Loves Me. Love the wisdom that Lizz has to share! Follow more of Lizz's life as she teaches her children about God's world! Well, our first week of using ABC Jesus Loves Me is officially finished. We didn't accomplish everything on our activity ...
Welcome to the Journey!
Pin It Saturday night I had an interesting conversation with a friend. Her son is close in age to Peanut (2 1/2) and she was sharing how another boy about their age knows all of his letters. She felt like a bad mom because her son only knows his colors and some shapes. But then she said (half serious), "Whether he can count, read, is potty ...
Preparing to Impress {Using More Than One Curriculum at a Time}
source One thing that really stresses out mommas is the thought of doing more than one of the ABCJLM Curriculum at once. And this has happened several times in our home. On Monday, I will begin using the 2 Year Curriculum with Peanut (2 1/2) and the 5 Year Curriculum with Little Man (5). While the curricula are completely ...
Preparing to Impress {Weekly Lesson Plans into Daily Activities}
source During this time of year the anxiety kicks up several levels. The pressure and expectations that we all feel cause panic to run in. And almost every time, a slew of questions pertaining to one particular subject hit the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group. How Do I Break the Weekly Lesson Plans into Daily Activities? If you have ...