source Pin It A sweet friend replied to my text with these words of wisdom. We have a choice. We can either try to feast on crumbs in the dark corner or come out into His light and have a seat at the feast by abandoning ourselves and trusting HIM!!! Crumbs or a feast. Darkness or light. Us or Him. It is our daily ...
Day to Day
Quick to Hear, Slow to Speak
James 1:19 - “Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.” I have heard and pondered this verse many times. But Julie Ann Barnhill brought up an interesting point concerning this verse in her book She's Gonna Blow!. In it she says, “When you begin putting this verse into practice, you will stop listening just so ...
Where Are You Looking?
source Pin It I just finished writing a long note to Bubs' therapist. We are between a rock and a hard spot believing that there is more to Bubs' disability but not sure where to turn for answers. The social and anxiety issues appear to be intensifying. He struggles more and more to find the words he needs to explain his thoughts. We ...
Something to Ponder
source It has been quite a week. As many of you know, the ABC Jesus Loves Me website was down intermittently for a few days. While it is up currently, there is a lot of work that needs to be done to fix the problem. Secondly, Bubs has an important doctor's appointment this week at the Children's Hospital with the neurologist. Since ...
Volume Control Help
"Why are you yelling?" "Turn down your voice." "Talk quieter." Are you always saying these things? Or is it just me? Bubs must be reminded of this ALL OF THE TIME! (Did I just yell that statement?) Not long after he was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), I ...
Is Your Offer to Help a Cop Out?
source Pin It The Christian thing to do when someone sees a brother or sister in the valley is to say, "Please call me if you need anything." Or, "Let me know what I can do to help." It is meant to be a kind gesture, showing love and care. I have said this exact thing many times before. The same statements have been added ...
Making Learning Part of the Day
Pin It Have you check out the ABCJLM Facebook Group lately? If not, you are missing out on a lot of wisdom! "Tina" shared some fabulous ways to incorporate the objectives of the ABCJLM Curriculum into a day with her grandson. I wanted to share her ideas because the suggestions are so simple yet so profound. Below are some of her main points. I ...
How to Introduce Quiet Time to Your Family
Updated here - ...
I Don’t Have to Stress Because….
Pin It Friends, I have been under spiritual attack. Attack towards me as a wife, as a mother, and as the fingers behind ABCJLM. It has been mounting for a few weeks but it finally hit the top on Friday. Other than days in which I have been overcome with extreme grief, Friday was the worse non-grief day I have ever had. My attitude was ...
Children Who Interrupt
Pin It Look at the couple above. This picture puts a smile on my face...and a little jealousy in my heart. They look so relaxed and appear to really enjoy each others company. They are having quality conversation and no interruption. Sounds marvelous, doesn't it? In the last few weeks we have talked at great length about the importance ...