source Pin It What is your prayer for yourself today? Honestly. Take a moment and answer this question. What is my prayer for myself today? Are you asking for wisdom? How about for strength? Are you begging God for forgiveness? Today my prayer is this... God, make me a hidden woman. By this I ...
Day to Day
Why I {Hate} the Word “Bored”
There are a few phrases that are not allowed to be said in our home. One such phrase is, "This is boring." or the popular "I am bored." Basically the same. Honestly, I can think of only one or two times that I have heard it come out of the mouths of my babes. And each time it occurred because my children heard it from some ...
What’s So Important About Play Stick-to-itiveness?
This post got a makeover! Dive in and discover all the helpful tips about play stick-to-itiveness! Yesterday I shared a concrete example of how to teach your child to play independently. But in writing the post, I realized that there is one more important detail to teaching a child to play independently. It is what I call ...
How to Teach Your Child to Play Independently #2
This post got a makeover! Dive in and discover all the helpful tips about independent play! Yesterday I shared how my children asked me not to play with them. After letting go of my pride, I realized that they had given me a huge complement. But in hearing from you in emails and on our ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group, children ...
How to Teach Your Child to Play Independently #1
This post got a makeover! Dive in and discover all the helpful tips about independent play! It was the time of day that we play together doing school, reading, crafts, and playing games. Today I had some fun things planned. But, my kiddos threw a monkey wrench into my plans! "Mommy, we want to just play together for a while." Now, at ...
So Much Easier To Do It Myself
source I was shocked to hear at my checkout counter a mom state her own laziness. While "It is so much easier to do it myself" does not sound like a lazy comment, I knew the context. She explained that it was too much work to train her child to clean. Much easier to do the work on her own and leave her son out of it. Working in the ...
Guest Post: What Did You Learn from Week 1?
source A Mommy of 3 (4 and under) offered to write a post about their first week using ABC Jesus Loves Me. Love the wisdom that Lizz has to share! Follow more of Lizz's life as she teaches her children about God's world! Well, our first week of using ABC Jesus Loves Me is officially finished. We didn't accomplish everything on our activity ...
Tips from You: Helping Children Sit During Storytime
source A while back I asked the ABCJLM Family on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group to share tips. Michelle shared this with me. As a former daycare and preschool teacher I learned from seasoned teachers to have kids sit in their booster or highchair during storytime. It allows the child to stay focused and calm. We typically do ...
Got Wisdom?, Day 4
image source Pin It Okay...we have learned these past few days that we need it. We realize that God wants to give it to us. We have even discussed how to find it. But now we need to figure out what wisdom is. Here is the best definition that I have heard. Wisdom - seeing and responding to the issues of life ...
Got Wisdom?, Day 3
image source Pin It In the past two blogs, we have learned that we need wisdom and God desires to give us wisdom abundantly. Here is another verse on this subject. Proverbs 4:7a says, "Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom." This verse says that wisdom is tops, supreme, above all. Then the author of Proverbs commands us ...