Last month, I wrote a blog about the importance of training your child. I explained that some kids learn strictly by example while others must have specific training to help them succeed. There are three specific areas of social training that we have done with Bubs. I have added these to the ABCJLM website: Pragmatics (language) and Teaching ...
Bible Verse: I Cor 16:13-14
I just finished reading 1 Corinthians in my quiet time. This was my key verse for Chapter 16. I Cor. 16:13-14 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love. I know that this verse has other meanings but for right now the verse spoke to me ...
Chores Help Prepare Kids for Adult Life
My friend at Storytime and More blogged about this article - Chores Help Prepare Kids for Adult Life. I thought the suggestions and tips were great. Here's a little teaser: Your three-year-old is not too young to match the socks in the family laundry basket; your five-year-old can make his bed by pulling up the comforter. Your ...
Train, Train, Train Again
Over the past few months, I have had several conversations with a dear friend of mine who has been struggling in the raising of her son. Her girls are obedient but with the normal challenges. He is one of those spirited-blessings that wears out the strongest of moms. One word kept coming up in our conversations - ...
Successfully Handle Behavior Problems
Today is the second day of Dr. Kevin Leman's Talk to Parents on Focus on the Family. If you missed it yesterday, you can listen on the archives, purchase the CD recording or purchase the DVD - Dr. Kevin Leman LIVE! Straight Talk on Parenting. This would be a wonderful resource to add to a church or preschool library, to do as a Bible ...
I wrote a few days ago about our battle with bedtime with Little Man. After three 1/2 weeks of returning him to his bed over and over, I feel like we have almost conquered this war! PTL. (Though of course last night was horrific! Go figure?) But in those three 1/2 weeks I have learned a few ...
Bedtime…Or Not!
I write this post with the monitor on. Don't mind me, if I have to excuse myself every few minutes to go put my son back in bed. It has now been 65 minutes of "excusing" myself. Last week, Little Man discovered that he can climb out of his crib. Honestly, we were surprised that it took this long because frankly, he climbs ...
Momma C’s Must Have
With a title like that, you may be wondering...caffeine? chocolate? girls' night out? Nope...a stop watch. Seriously! It might not be the most glamorous thing but unless I am going out, I wear a sports watch because of the stop watch component. I use it many different way - timeout being one. The next is to ...
Parenting Information Handouts
In my web searching, I found this wonderful site by the Center of Effective Parenting. Talk about a wealth of information. Here are just some of the Parenting Information Handouts this link contains: •Death: How to Talk to Children About •Divorced Parenting •General Parenting Guidelines •Self Esteem: How to Develop in ...
Dinner Time
Every once in a while, my husband will remind me what dinner time use to be like at our home. I don't think that I have forgotten, necessarily. I just think that I have blocked it out because it used to be horrid! A reader left this comment: Have any ideas for meals at the table? At 4 1/2 we still deal with many knocked over ...