I remember the first time that one of my children shouted at me, "I hate you!" Like a knife, I felt the blow right to the heart. How could this child say such a thing? I must be doing something wrong! Panic. Fear. Currently our Sweet Pea (age 9) is throwing out the statement, "You don't like me...that's why you ____." She gets mad and ...
Understanding What God Has Called Parents to Do {Parenting “V” Printables}
UPDATE: This information has been completely updated for simplicity and clarity. I invite you to learn more on the Biblical Parenting Video Series. I'll be honest, many of the sermons and talks that I hear go in...and then they get lost. It doesn't mean that the information shared wasn't meaningful. It just didn't stick. And, I am sure I am ...
Do You Have a Talking Stick: A Visual Cue to Teach Respect and Listening Skills
“Do you have a Talking Stick?” she asked me. My first instinct was panic. Should I have a talking stick? Is it wrong to have talking stick? Oh my…what is a talking stick? Bubs’ speech pathologist could sense my confusion and immediately put my mind at ease stating that she would explain. To begin, Miss W folded a piece of a paper long ...
How to Successfully Parent a “Tough” Kiddo
credit Last week I shared a past post from this blog on the Our Out-of-Sync Life Facebook page. And boy did the comments come in. Questions. Excitement. All surrounding the idea of teaching a child first time obedience. Today, I want to answer some of those questions and provide you with further resources on this topic. 1. ...
The Best Parenting Book…The Answer Will Surprise You
Several months ago a thread was created on the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group asking everyone for their favorite parenting books. And boy did the answers come. A plethora of authors were represented. While I wasn't familiar with some, several authors reside on my shelves or in a pile similar to the one pictured above on my ...
How to Give Your Child the Gift of Work
source In the last post I shared the importance of giving your child the "Ultimate Gift" - the gift of work. I believe this is accomplished three ways - chores, teaching the child to take initiative, and working together as a family. Today, I am going to share specific ways that we incorporate each into our daily lives. Age Appropriate ...
Are You Giving Your Children the Ultimate Gift?
source In my mind there are three main aspects of parenting. The first is the theme of this blog - impressing upon our children a God who loves them and asks them to love Him in return. Laying a foundation for them to love God with all of their heart, soul, and mind. The second is financial wisdom. We continue to use the Money Management ...
How I Use a Sand Timer to Train
Have you seen the idea on Pinterest to make a Sensory Calming Bottle from glue, water, and glitter? It was a huge hit several months ago as it went viral on a multitude on mommy blog sites. I even had a few friends send links to the idea because they thought it might be helpful for Little Man. If you are not familiar with the concept, the ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: What is the Purpose of Consequences?
On Wednesdays, our newspaper prints a column by Dr. John Rosemond. While I don't agree with all of his parenting advice (especially when dealing with children who have disabilities), our overall thoughts are very similar. High expectations for all children. Boundaries that prove the test of time. Unconditional love that has no end. Pretty ...
Why I {Hate} the Word “Bored”
There are a few phrases that are not allowed to be said in our home. One such phrase is, "This is boring." or the popular "I am bored." Basically the same. Honestly, I can think of only one or two times that I have heard it come out of the mouths of my babes. And each time it occurred because my children heard it from some ...