Pin It For my quiet times, I am reading through I Peter. Reading short passages at a time, I begin each reading by asking the Holy Spirit to point out a key verse. A verse that focuses on an area of my life that contains sin or for an area that I need encouragement or direction. Today, I began ...
Bible Verses for Tired Mommies
Pin It What a June! We have packed in more appointments, therapy sessions, and lessons into these two weeks than anyone should in six months. Add in a week long business trip for Daddy and the combined has taken a toll on this momma. As I sit here thinking through all of this, I realize that my heart desires to crawl into ...
Supporting Each Other
How many times have you seen the photo above? If you are like me...several. Yet I am always moved by the heroic and selfless act portrayed. Our pastor shared deeper insight into this famous image, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima by Joe Rosenthal. In the above picture are men who the world would consider complete opposites - a ...
Is He Strong Enough to Carry You?
I want to encourage my sisters-in-Christ with a quote from Beth Moore: You have everything you need by virtue of the Holy Spirit within you to bear your load. If He had energy enough to speak the worlds into being...He has the energy to carry you through your burden. Jesus, I pray for my sisters today. God, You know their situations. ...
Need A Motto?
While reading the Kay Arthur study Lord, Only You Can Change Me, I came upon this verse: 2 Corinthians 5:15 - And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. Now for a Heidi translation. Jesus died for everyone. We should not longer live for ...
Parenting Points to Ponder
source Pin It My mom attended a seminar several years back and gathered these parenting points. I thought that each were very good when thinking about raising and training your child. AS (Attention Span) = Age How many times I forget the age of my child - especially my first born. Sometimes my expectations are much ...
What is Your Reaction to the Roaring River?
Pin It Use your imagination with me for a few moments. I am standing in the middle of a river. The river is filled with rocks, rapids, and sharp turns. As the water rushes around me, what am I going to do? Here are a few options. Try to hold back the water. With all my ability try to get the water ...
A Thought To Ponder Today
Pin It I heard this quote on a Focus on the Family broadcast a while back and I apologize that I don't remember who said it. But it was so thought provoking that I want to share it with you. Think about what you say to your child and then imagine a stranger or your sister-in-law saying it to your child. Changing the words, think of it ...
Quick to Hear, Slow to Speak
James 1:19 - “Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.” I have heard and pondered this verse many times. But Julie Ann Barnhill brought up an interesting point concerning this verse in her book She's Gonna Blow!. In it she says, “When you begin putting this verse into practice, you will stop listening just so ...
Practical Anger Management Skills
If you are the mom of a child preschool age or older, you probably have a tendency to “blow up” at random times. And if you are like me, you desire to add a few anger management techniques to your toolbox. Below I am going to share ideas that I have learned from Julie Ann Barnhill's book She's Gonna Blow! as well as techniques I use myself to ...